Dzinma Khyim Settlement in Terra Rynn | World Anvil

Dzinma Khyim


Dzinma is easily the most populated khyims of the Tuquet Conclaves. Though its itba (hub) and ijibs (spokes) lack diversity in terms of other peoples of Rynn, it hosts the most diverse population of detshons, resources, and opinions. People from all walks of Tuqueti life inhabit Dzinma, and its communal spaces bustle with the activities well knit communities. That being said, the rigpa klongs of Attarapana, and Pyid are both well populated and diverse in terms of people. As the supposed capital of the Tuquet Conclave, Attarapana hosts diplomatic guests, traders from all around Orela, and pilgrims seeking spiritual wisdom. Still even in these spaces the sheer number of Tuqueti far outnumber any other people present.


Lagpa Doganpa (military, Path of Hands): one of the most well known militarily-oriented doganpas. Founded before their return to Terra Rynn, monks from the Lagpa Doganpa were of the party that traveled with the Suskyba in her original contact with the Chhatrapat. This Doganpa has never been disbanded, and probably has one of the oldest military traditions in the Conclaves. This particular Doganpa is primarily located within Dzinma's itba (hub), carefully protecting the passages from Terra Duhr, patrolling accesses out of the itba, and the watching over the primary means of transit to Dgaba Khyim in the Faewylds.   Although they do not consider Attarapana or Pyid domains they actively monitor, Lagpa Doganpa has taken part in active defense work in Attarapana in the past when the need is great.   Mdarse Doganpa (military, ranged): an ancient military doganpa. Mdarse focuses on ranged combat, and are seen as a key military organization in the defense of the Khyims. While they are headquartered in Dzinma, all three khyims have people who work and train with Mdarse.   crevice's


Khor District

Excepting the sub-level, every other level of Dzinma has a Khor District. These spaces allow the Nyiamai Khor (sun stone) to swing back and forth during it's slow, controlled pendulum swing back and forth, moving between day and night cycles. Fenced in to limit accidents by Tuquet who may be enticed to peer over the edge at the level below them, the Khor districts are also home to parks from which specially modified bacalapis vines grow. These glowing vines spread through the many alleys, corridors, and communal spaces of Dzinma Khyim helping to spread the Khor's light wherever they reach.  

Residential Districts

Dzinma Khyim is organized in such a way that that almost an entire level is dedicated to communal living spaces. Given that the Tuqueti do not establish status by money, these living spaces tend to be divided among members of detshons common to parts of the khyim. Space is communal in nature - it is very common for a large structure to house many Tuqueti with a large living space, some communal sleeping spaces, and some more private areas. Doors are uncommon, and some residential houses are treated more like hostels than permanent homes. The core living districts of Dzinma are located on the second level of the khyim, but there are some more private resident spaces within the core spaces where detshons work, and doganpas always have their own communal living spaces.  

Mdzods District

Tuqueti seeking knowledge or general learning may spend time in the Mdzods district, which sits at the base of the Laskhungs Doganpa on the third level of Dzinma. Essentially a complex library, archive, and research space, the mdzods district is an architecturally beautiful space with sprawling great halls, lecture spaces, and reading rooms set aside for study. While the Tuquet to keep written accounts and materials, Archivists are considered to be subject matter experts, either generalists in a field that can teach basic principals, or specialists in specific topics able to delve deep into theory and practice. Shes Rig Mdzods is the largest, most populated such library complex in this district, and its archivists are almost entirely from the Bramze Detshon. However, over the last decade, Yig Nyar Mdzods was founded as well. This library is largely inhabited by detshons from Iho and Skabsyal that compete with the coordination and information work done traditionally by the Bramzes.  

Market Districts

Markets within the heart of the khyim would be quite foreign to a lot of visitors. The internal economy of the Tuquet Conclaves does not rely on money, and so markets outside of rigpa klongs do not expect such compensation. Instead, these markets tend to be open and dispersed across the districts where making goods would be useful. Among the resident districts of Dzinma, it is common to find goods such as food, clothing, potions that local residents may need, and relatively simple trinkets. In the production districts, supplies of materials, more complication alchemical works, engineering supplies, and the like are much more common. While the markets tend to be a bit of a mishmash of everything, they tend to be contextual based on the common need of a space they are in.  

Production Districts

Detshons focused on artificing and blacksmithing do remain in this district, but medicine and alchemy have grown to be the most common workspaces in this district. Other detshons have also set up working spaces in the production district, and many Tuqueti of working age finds their way to there contribute to their society.

Temple and Mosaic District

The very top level of the khyim is a single structure split between Laskhungs and Lagpa Doganpas. Laskhungs is the majority of this structure, both working and residential space for the Bramzes Detshon. It also plays host to the sparring rooms and drill spaces for the ancient military order Lagpa Detshon. In the middle of this district sits a the Srid Don, the hall where the Assembly and Dziskyon meet, and in an antechamber a portal to Dgaba Khyim. There are few ways to access this district of the khyim, and at the entrance are a number of places where Tuqueti gather to meditate and play with mosaic tiles.


Dzinma spans 4 miles tall, with six segmented layers. Its lowest level is 30 miles wide, becoming narrower with each upper level. Through its center runs the great Nyimai Khor (sun stone), a massive artifact which spans every layer of the khyim. This artifact generates an equivalent to sunlight, providing both warmth and light through the day, “setting” with the same cycle of the surface. In a controlled swing it arcs back and forth every day, starting from its southern upswing, and "setting" as it swings up into the northern side of the city. As the khor dims at the end of its cycle, it begins its slow swing back towards the south before it lights Dzinma up at the start of the next day cycle.   Buildings rise like great pillars, carved out of the stone as the khyim has expanded. Dzinma is layered and organized in such a way as to allow farming, industry, trade, and life to proceed with relative efficiency. Each layer has a number of load bearing stone pillars which rise from floor to ceiling, carve with symbols and stories of the Conclave's storied past. Some of these sculpted pillars are buildings supporting industry, communal living spaces, or transit passages.  

Levels of Dzinma

Dzinma spreads out across the surface of Terra Rynn, but also vertically. For many, except perhaps the Scietti, this both vertical and horizonal alignment of Dzinma can be quite dizzying at first. But once a visitor realizes how interconnected the levels are, and how various services are built to be fairly accessible across them, the city becomes relatively easy to master.  

Sub-Level: Farming and Agriculture

Below sea level, under the mountain, the engineers and farmers of Dzinma are always expanding the ability of the khyim to feed its inhabitants. The entire khyim is built on a philosophy of self-containment, and much of the organic waste and compost generated by the great homes' inhabitants make its way to the farming soil beneath Dzinma to help nourish growing crops. The Nyimai Core swing well above the ground of the sub-level, allowing the sun the shine all day without the risk of cloudy skies.  

First Level: Industry and Trade

When entering Dzinma Khyim from Attarapana, one first passes across Choskyi Bridge into the first level. This space is massive, and less densely packed that other levels of the khyim, with complicated networks of lifts and trams moving back and forth between residential districts and places of work. This maze of connections allow for transit of the khyim's residents to places of Tuqueti industry.

Second Level: Communal Living

The second level of Dzinma is a sprawling complex of alleyways, streets, and buildings that look as though they have been hewn from stone. Great pillars rise up to the ceiling in spaces, along with lower, wide buildings. The residential levels of the khyim

Third Level: Libraries and Bureaucracy

Librarians, archivists, and bramzes swarm the third level of the khyim coordinating knowledge, information, and needs across the entire network of Dzinma. This level is a labyrinth of spaces, and when visitors arrive find it easy to get lost once they leave the primary halls.

Fourth Level: Dziskyon and Pilgrimages

The top of Dzinma is dedicated to spaces for the Assembly, Dziskyon, and the monks of Lagpa Doganpa to do their work. On this level is also a passage to the Faewylds, leading to to ancient khyim of Dgaba. Most pilgrims seeking to revisit the old homes of the Tuquet make their way to this level for transit.


Dzinma Khyim is situated in the southern mountain range of the Jigarasasa Mountains running along the fertile valleys of the plateau, nestled within the Caras Massif, the White King - the largest mountain in the range. A well-worn path leads through the plateau along the plateau river to Svain in the northeast and then northwest to Attarapana, ostensibly in Maibusi territory. North through the foothills of the Caras Massif stands Attarapana, the supposed capital of the Tuquet Conclaves. In reality, Attarapana is a rigpa klong - open to outsiders, and trade, but merely a front for the true Tuquet society living inside the mountain.
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