Arkoshia Organization in Terra Rynn | World Anvil


The Arkoshian dragonborn are an enigmatic people that have grown up in the shadow of relatively more benevolant lords from an earlier age. Before the expansion of the Turathi Empire, the Arkoshians were relatively isolated, and mostly came into conflict with each other over relgious lines related to their draconic prophets and progenitors.
  The arrival of the Turathi on Arkoshian shores was apocryphal, and despite being the first to break the Turathi's grip, Arkoshian society has struggled to find its place in the world since that era. The reverance for the Prophets and their teachings has served to be the glue that has held Arkoshians together, and the spreading of their words given them purpose.
  Yet, discoveries in the new world are testing Arkoshians closly held beliefs, and forcing stark choices in their society to the surface.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Neighboring Nations


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