Merfolk Species in Tellus | World Anvil


Merfolk possess a hybrid physiology adapted to both marine and humanoid life. Their upper bodies resemble those of humans, with arms and torsos, while their lower halves transform into sleek, powerful tails that end in a graceful caudal fin. These tails enable them to navigate the ocean depths with remarkable speed and agility. Their skin comes in various shades, often reflecting the colors of their underwater environment. Common skin tones include shades of blue, green, turquoise, and silver. Some individuals may exhibit intricate patterns or iridescent scales along their tails, backs, and torsos. Merfolk hair and eyes can range from shades of blue, green, and violet, often mimicking the colors of marine life. Hair is often kept long and flowing, resembling seaweed, and their eyes are adapted for low-light conditions, aiding in vision in the trench's darkness.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Given the low light conditions of the trench, merfolk have evolved to have enhanced night vision, which aids in hunting and gathering food in the darkness. They also use salt-water-Based hydration: Merfolk, being aquatic creatures, obtain hydration from the surrounding seawater. They have specialized adaptations to extract and retain water from their aquatic environment.

Genetics and Reproduction

Merfolk typically engage in complex courtship rituals and the formation of monogamous pairs for reproduction. Courtship behaviors include intricate underwater dances, the displaying of vibrant colors, and the exchanging of original, melodic songs.    Merfolk reproduction involves the laying of brilliantly colored eggs. Females typically release eggs in clutches, into carefully selected underwater locations.   In the distant past, these locations were often nestled within the protective embrace of coral formations, or hidden among kelp forests to shield them from predators and strong currents. The modern days of the magically engineered subaquan city, however, see the women who decide to lay eggs doing so in a grotto of ultraviolet and violet, or black, light, that has been built specifically for the purpose. Each of the cities has multiple clutching grottoes.    Once the eggs are laid, the male partner releases sperm into the water, in close proximity to the eggs. The fertilization process occurs externally as the sperm meets the eggs in the temperature controlled water of the clutching grotto.

Growth Rate & Stages

The development of merfolk eggs takes place over thirty-five weeks, during which time the parents continue to provide protection and nourishment.   As the eggs develop into larvae, the merfolk children gradually grow and mature. Merfolk larvae are at a vulnerable stage in their development, and are highly susceptible to predation. During this phase, they may drift with ocean currents, if not carefully monitored. This larval stage can last for varying amounts of time, depending on environmental conditions, but the average is for eighteen months.    As the larvae grow and develop, they eventually undergo a metamorphic process that leads to the formation of their iconic merfolk tails. This transformation includes the development of scales, caudal fins, and the ability to breathe both air and water. Once the metamorphosis stage is complete, the young merfolk enter the juvenile stage. They gradually adapt to life in the ocean, learning to navigate the currents and interact with their underwater world, and as they continue to grow and gain experience, they eventually reach adulthood and take on roles within merfolk society, contributing to the empire's culture, economy, and governance.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The merfolk use a variety of foraging and fishing techniques to obtain various foodstuffs that are commonly consumed by the citizenry of The Cerulean Empire. The omnivorous inhabitants enjoy various kelp and coral salads, as well as the plethora of fish, squid, and mollusks.

Biological Cycle

Merfolk can, if lucky, live vibrant lives for up to one hundred and twenty years.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The merfolk are unrepentent fascists, all of them espousing a true love for their ruler, Emperor Azure IV.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Tellus' oceans and seas, but the vast majority of them live in The Cerulean Trench.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The merfolk's ability to see up to a hundred and twenty feet in the pitch dark of the deep trench is legendary,

Civilization and Culture

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Aquaticus Cryptididius
Their kind goes back many thousands of years.
80-120 years
Average Weight
350 lbs.
Average Length
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their body tint can vary according to their environment.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
Discovered by
Related Technologies