Hamish's Crypts: The Paths of Sorrow Building / Landmark in Tellus | World Anvil

Hamish's Crypts: The Paths of Sorrow

When Shayna and Querilarnikax destroyed Paxander, it was absolute. Shayna cast a Wish spell of a power level Mystra had disallowed, and Paxander paid the price of the cataclysmic consequences of that act.   The people of the city died en masse; dropping where they stood, worked, or played. Piles of carrion, mountains of defiled flesh, slowly decomposed and were, eventually, reclaimed by Tellus. When Hamish Skaalder came across these mass piles of remains, he dug down and between them, revealing the bones and bone fragments when they lay, exposing them to Lathander's welcoming and joyful light. Carefully, he cleaned them. Each and every exposed bone, Hamish reverently cleaned with soft brushes and gently blown air. He installed torches within cairns that he built out of the bones and skulls that fell during the process of revealing them, further exposing them to the love of Lathander's Light.

Purpose / Function

To honor the elves slain by Shayna and her human slaves at the outset of the Elven Purge


These passages are all dug directly into Tellus, the only "architectural" elements added are those necessary to keeping the roof from collapsing.


It is entirely comprised of soil, roots and rocks; undressed, but for the revealed skeletal remains.
Room, Special, Crypt
Parent Location

Articles under Hamish's Crypts: The Paths of Sorrow


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