Gaian Nanite Technology / Science in Tellus | World Anvil

Gaian Nanite

The deliberate bonding of matter at a molecular level

This audio recording is preserved in rose quartz for longevity.
It is entitled: "Research into the Plurality of Available Dynamic Physics
in a Semi Permeable, faceted Magical Auditory Matrix (MAM)"
Orated by Trae von Lichtenherz, 23 Taug 5319
The Bardic College Campuses, Parabiology Department
The subject, which until very recently has been called by many 'Devil Dust', is in fact named 'Gaian Nanites', a tidbit gleaned randomly when a researcher actually survived to record his findings. He had to dictate them telepathically, because technically it had only been his brain that survived, but that never stopped him from being the life of the faculty Kings Day parties for years afterwards.
Seemingly just a coating of superfine dust particles found randomly throughout the world, we have four references to them including Professor Brians (no, the irony was not lost upon him; stout fellow, was old Brians) ahem! award winning body of work. Excuse me, sir? Oh, ha ha! No sir, that was not meant as irony, that time, but your style is, as always, unassailable. No, sir. Not sarcasm. Noooo.
    As I was saying before all of the bimbleherferating going on here, for whichever unfathomable reason you have glommed on to, Professor Knowles, I believe my record speaks for itself. Yes, sir. Yes. That is correct, sir. No, sir, I was never convicted for that. Yet as hilarious as you are, sir, har...yes, har, har...whenever you are ready? Ah? Yes? One more harrumph? Well done, sir. It took me years to perfect my sanctimonious laughter.
  Seeming as naught else but a fine, light dust, it will suddenly all form together into one form or another with which to attack someone, or many someones. It can fade into a puff of cloud to avoid attack much of the time, and yet can also mirror spell like effects. Now please, bear with me here, for I believe I have stumbled upon something. I keep using the word, 'it'. I should really be using the word 'they'. This is but dust! But a dust of some technological source. There is no magical energy at play within them. The tiny, powder-tiny, machines are capable of bonding themselves together in such a way as to accomplish whatever it is they are there to accomplish.


It is unknown what this was used theory is that they were some sort of destructive force, a sort of purging layer of polishing dust used to ready the ground for something else.
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There have been two accounted for since discovery in 5122NG.
The unimaginable complexity of micro-machines bonding themselves together, at any shape and at will, has quite frankly baffled any and all science or folklore the author has been able to find.
The popular theory is that they were first discovered when one of Sheherizade's favorite slaves was making a delightfully hopeless break for 'freedom'. The man ducked into a cave, and was torn apart by clouds of dust.


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