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Malephesh's Tear

The Tear is a gargantuan gap in the world stretching thousands of miles across. It neatly divides the planet in half, leaving its molten core exposed in the middle, loosely connected to either side with thin columns of red-hot metals. Due to the vast amount of seawater that sloshes over its submarine retaining walls, the great gap is covered in a dense, perpetual cloud layer that also serves to hold in the thick Miasma of burned and rotted matter that have flowed into the deadly drop over the last several centuries. From time to time, bubbles form in the clouds over the Tear, and when these bubbles burst, waves of toxic gasses burst into the air, free to billow over the surface of the planet and bring sickness and plague in their wake until the winds eventually blow them apart.

Purpose / Function

The Tear was originally meant to keep the northern and southern halves of the planet apart, allowing the Earth God Malephesh to remain separated from the burgeoning force of mortal-born gods who had risen up in the former. Despite him realizing the error of his ways, the Tear remains and dutifully fulfills the purpose for which it was made.


Over a thousand years ago, when the world was truly coming into its own and the mortal species were flourishing, the god Malephesh declared the southern hemisphere of the planet his domain in the wake of his sister Ignis' passing. When mortals crossed this barrier, knowing nothing of the god's decree, he flew into a rage, digging his hands into the sea and ripping the planet apart down to its very core. It was a rash action, and one he regretted immediately. It took the assistance of nearly all of the other gods in the world to prevent an apocalypse, and even then it took everything Malephesh had as the oldest and strongest god left in the world. Though the world was saved, the gaping hole remained. Various work-arounds were made to account for the constant loss of seawater and the risk of the halves continuing to drift around of their own volition, but to this day the Tear stands as a monument to the potential for folly within the gods, and a barrier between the two halves of the world.

Natural Wonder

Cover image: by Mia Pearce


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