Clink Character in Teicna | World Anvil
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Clink Walowik

Clink is the golem-son of Ignatius Walowik and a currently unknown second party. Originally built to be a mobile weapons platform that could operate just autonomously enough to flank criminals and generally aid Iggie in his day-to-day lawkeeping, plans changed when the little golem's creators hit upon the idea of animating him with pieces of their own souls. Now fueled by what is essentially a spark of demonic life, Clink grows and learns like a child. Specifically, the child of a doting, loving, murderous psychopath.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A meter-long octohedron composed largely of rare chuma cha rangi ("Metal of Color"), banded with rings and moldings of much more common Kioo-chuma (“Glass-steel”). The main body splits in half to reveal a large, red eye of crystalline glass that glows from within. At all eight corners of the split chassis is mounted a two-part leg ending in a long blade for a foot. Each face of the main metal chassis is covered in a number of rune-covered doors that close flush to the rest of the body.

Body Features

The majority of Clink's frame is made of a banded, slightly iridescent metal, accented with what is essentially metal-reinforced glass.

Facial Features

Clink's eye is technically just the housing for his demonic soul. It's a thick crystal sphere that's clear on the outside but becomes a bed of fractal shapes towards the center. Much of it appears black, but there is a burning 'pupil' of light emanating from the heart of it.

Identifying Characteristics

Much of Clink's body is covered in deep, runic carvings which are used to bind his body to his eye, to ensure he's capable of moving.

Physical quirks

Due to the placement of his legs, Clink cannot efficiently walk the way a spider might. Instead, he tends to walk with only four legs, leaving the upper four tucked away or held forward menacingly. When walking on all eight, either the halves of the chassis will be held at off-angles from each other to give the legs room to maneuver, or they will actively rotate as he moves, pulling him forward.

Special abilities

On his own time, Clink has cultivated a magical affinity for projecting beams of concentrated heat and light from his eye. In short, he learned how to use magic to shoot lasers from his eye.

Specialized Equipment

The doors on Clink's chassis open up to directly access his demonic 'Inner Self', where he stories a large variety of additional blades, firearms, and small appendages with which to wield them. Additionally, the end segments of both body halves pop open to reveal grappling claws. The line and reels for these claws are also stored in the Inner Self.
Among his various weapons, Clink's personal favorite (aside from his own legs) is "Krackathoom", a large, cannon-like gun that fires hefty metal slugs over long distances.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Deputy to the Sheriff of Serkin

Intellectual Characteristics

Simple, childlike, eternally devoted to his Father, Iggie. Clink is not particularly bright, but this is largely a matter of his young age, rather than simply being of low intelligence.

Morality & Philosophy

Violence is often a means to an end, but more than that, the excitement of it is frequently the end in and of itself. Clink enjoys action and chaos in all its forms, not yet having truly developed a sense of empathy for those around him.


No one touches father's things.

Personality Characteristics


Clink adores his father, and does anything he can to earn his respect and adoration in return. Luckily for Clink, Iggie is exceptionally fond of his little kill-machine, so it's a perpetually successful endeavor.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Although he isn't personally aware of just how much of a skill it is, Clink has an exceptional sense of direction and location. He's a natural acrobat, scaling walls and grappling through city alleyways, rarely thrown off by being upright one moment and spiraling upside down the next. His most egregious failing, however, is a complete and utter lack of general empathy. Though the little golem cares quite deeply for his family, this affection does not extend to any living beings beyond that circle without a great deal of effort. Additionally, since he is incapable of feeling pain and has not yet truly grasped the concept of mortality, he really has no clue whatsoever what he's doing to the people he helps his father capture or put down.

Likes & Dislikes

Clinks loves his family, action, violence, and the feeling of his foot-blades digging through soft materials. He also quite enjoys dancing!

Personality Quirks

Clink has difficulty sitting still. At any given moment, he's likely fidgeting his legs, clapping the halves of his chassis together, spinning his eye in rapid circles, or some combination of the three. When in motion, he frequently transitions seamlessly between different methods of walking and rolling and spinning around, and his habit for pirouetting across battlefields has earned him the nickname The Dancing Blade. At least, that's what the people who aren't aware of his childlike innocence call him...


Though a lover of getting his feet dirty, Clink can't abide keeping them that way. Not only is it bade for the blades, but as blood and gunk dry to them, they inhibit his ability to move and slice and stab as cleanly and gracefully as he would like. When not on the job, Clink makes frequent visits to the nearest watering trough or oasis pool in order to rinse himself clean and return to his usual shining brilliance.



Clink cannot speak, though he understands spoken words just fine. He was not originally created to be something that would have a personality, and in the time since he's grown one he's outright refused to be given the capacity for speech a number of times. He prefers to express himself via gestures, clicks, and the sounds of various whistles he's picked up and had Iggie install in him over the years. Those who know him well can generally understand precisely what he wants to say, while those who don't are left in the dark. And that's exactly how Clink likes it.
Year of Birth
1201 MA 16 Years old
Serkin, Sur'Dhanza
Blood Red
Known Languages
Clink understands Duwallish, Arren, and Tradespeak, but cannot speak outside of whistles and clicks.
Appears in...

Cover image: by Mia Pearce


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