Blaxx Item in Tarsis | World Anvil
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Blaxx is the name of the large hand cannon weilded by Xenos II and the name of the Demon that resides within it. Blaxx the demon is rather dry and sarcastic, often berrating Xenos II over percieved slights and impatient to be used. Its barrel is three inches wide and a foot long with a sharp muzzle suited to stabbing. There is no ammunition present in Blaxx, instead it is thrust into a living victim and drains their blood. Once fueled this way, it can convert the blood into charged blasts of superheated, maiga-infused plasma, semi-liquid spikes of iron, or, once multiple victims are drained, tear a rift in reality that sucks demons from space onto Tarsis, letting them loose to wreak havoc on any living things in the area.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Blaxx's demon uses its maiga-based nature to alter the blood ammunition into one of its three forms and summons and explosive blast within the chamber to propel the projectile forwards in the case of the plasma bolt or the iron spike, or just ramming the reality tearing sphere through the barrel with raw maiga for the demon portal.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Holder
Related Technologies
Owning Organization
16" x 8" x 3"


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