Snowwatcher Character in Tarien | World Anvil


Guardian of the Moosewood

Standing over a hundred feet tall, most observers see Snowwatcher as massive spruce tree, his blue-green boughs full of lush needs and ripe with pinecones. The only Treant in all of the Moosewood, he sees himself as its protector, a role that traditionally has been one of troll squashing and slow spreading of the forest by burying pine trees along the forest's northern borders until the cold of winter becomes too much for the trees to survive. Recently, however, he has come into contact with the members of the 3rd Expeditionary Force. At first, he was aghast at their tree cutting ways to build Fort Starrin, however after much observation and a few conversations, he has come to understand that they only take those trees that they need. After several conversaions iwth Aida Srisharya, who coming from a treeless land he finds fascinating, he has come to an agreement with the Eldorians and even finds the occasional conversation with them pleasant.

Over a hundred feet tall and majestic with huge boughs of lush, blue-green pines, Snowwatcher appears to most travelers as nothing more than a large spruce tree. He is curious for a Treant, forging a relationship with the members of the 3rd Expeditionary Force and now often wishes he could speak with others a bit more often - perhaps even twice a year.

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Current Location
Twelve Centuries
Golden Yellow
Blue-Green Pine Needs
Over 100 Feet