Reyna Star Eyes Character in Tarien | World Anvil

Reyna Star Eyes

Chieftess of the Tribe of the White Wolf

Standing taller than six feet, Reyna's lean features are more gaunt than lithe. Thick ropes of muscle wind their way around her arms and legs, a testament to her love of the hunt and the many hours she spends loping after the caribou herds. Her yellow hair is a tangle of dreadlocks, intertwined with the feathers of eagles and owls. Her cheekbones and nose are sharp and angular. Bright blue eyes seem to pierce whatever they gaze upon, watching intently and unmoving.
Despite her position as the tribe's alpha hunter, Reyna is a woman of few words. She allows her actions on the hunt and in defense of her tribe to speak for themselves. Her facial expressions are, however, expansive. They often, despite her best efforts betray her emotions, be the thrill of blue skies on the open tundra or a furrowed brow when gray snow clouds begin to accumulate in late summer. Generally she allows Ulf to do her speaking for her; a sideways glance or nod of head all that she needs to express her will.

Imposing and taciturn, Reyna leads the Tribe of the White Wolf through her skill as a huntress and prowess in battle. She wears eagle and owl feathers woven into her blond dreadlocks and has strikingly blue eyes that seem to bore into her quarries very soul.

Character Location
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Current Location
Early 20's
Piercing Blue
Blond Dreadlocks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White But Sun Kissed
6 ft. 0 in.
1701 lb.
Aligned Organization