Marcus Blacknose Character in Tarien | World Anvil

Marcus Blacknose

Street Urchin

Marcus received his surname after surviving a trio of severe beatings during his first year on the streets of Rathgar. Born an orphan, he was raised in a brothel by several "aunts" until his eighth winter when, in after a run of bad luck, the madam failed to pay her percentage to the Azermathian Alliance, it suffered an unfortunate clog in its chimney and burned to the ground. During his first few weeks on the street Marcus lost a pair of fights to older children vying to protect their territory - a pair of alleys in which they slept and the short stretch of street between them in which they begged and stole. In his third fight, however, he managed to win, knocking an older boy on the head with a brick and claiming his own patch of street to work. During these rough months, his eyes and nose seemed constantly broken and though the bruises and swelling have faded in the intervening years, his crooked nose remains.
These days Marcus has higher aspirations. While too young to formally join the Alliance, he has repeatedly offered his services to them. With a quick wit and sharp tongue, he has picked up a few errands. With an eye on the future, he has also begun to turn over some his earnings - be they from begging, thievery, or information services, to the local guild enforcer, trying to demonstrate his value to the guild and his knowledge of their operating code.

Articulate and outspoken, Marcus has quick hands and a quicker wit, traits he needs to survive on the streets of Rathgar. An orphan homeless for the past two winters, Marcus is working his way into the Azermathian Alliance; his exit strategy from the streets.

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Black, Shoulder Length Dredlocks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
4 ft. 6 in.
55 lb.
Aligned Organization