Logan the Lucky Character in Tarien | World Anvil

Logan the Lucky

Founder of Logan

Was Logan truly lucky? He left a stable, if not glorious, life as a Pembrooke ranch hand in 664 AC at the tender age of fourteen summers. Some say that he left after the older ranch hands tormented him for his clubbed left foot. Others say his heart had been broken by a young maid that tended to the master's house. Logan, himself, never told anyone. Instead, he just packed up his meager belongings - a knife, a blanket and a tinderbox - and left before dawn one morning, following the Whispering River south into the Jasper Mountains. How he survived is a mystery to this day. Logan had no skills at hunting or trapping or foraging. Somehow, though, he managed to survive three moons in the mountains, only to return to Pembrooke fever ridden and delirious, pouches filled with raw gold. Logan died, crazed and raving, but not before triggering a rush of ranch hands who headed south to try their luck at prospecting. Enough survived to call it a village, which they named Logan after the lucky young lad who had struck it rich.
Mid Seventh Century AC
Resided In
The Hinterlands