Holy Legion of Light Organization in Tarien | World Anvil

Holy Legion of Light

The Legion of Light claims to be a Tarien spanning bastion of light in a world of darkness. And while they may have retained some influence in the Inner Seas where it was founded, most of the Legion lives and trains in the twin kingdoms of light - Drakkar and Warwick. Noble almost to a fault, its members swear fealty to both Anderi and their respective King to uphold the ideals of goodness, light, and law. While originally the order included men and women of all walks of life, the past century has seen them evolve into a more martial order. Complete in their white caped plate armor, often mounted on a steed to match, a fully armored Knight of the Light, as they are called, is indeed a sight to behold and one that strikes terror in the souls of evil.
Given that they have a very lose organizational structure, there have been times when various liege's in the Kingdoms of Light have squabbled, leading to Knight's on each side charging the other. While this may trouble some - as how could both noblemen be both in conflict and in alignment with Anderi - the conscience of such knights is clean. One noble must clearly be in the wrong but it is the knights duty to defend their lieges and allow Anderi will use the field of battle as a means to sort the truly faithful from those less deserving.
A Knight of Light
Known for their fairness, most members of the Legion see well past the worldly notions of wealth and power. As such, they are often called upon by peasants seeking justice when wronged by those of more means. Unlike other religious organizations, however, the Knights of the Light do not dispense justice on their own. Instead, they strive to bring the guilty to the proper authorities for what will undoubtedly be a fair trial. Unfortunately, more often than not, nobles charged is such manner often go free.
There is, of course, one situation in which any member of the Legion must forgo all other oaths and dispense justice on their own - the situation where one finds the foulness of dark magic. To the Legion, all magic, unless coming from a divine source is the magic of darkness. It cannot be tolerated and must be destroyed when discovered. This tenet has led many a lord to employ a Knight of Light to rid his fiefdom of troublesome witches and other foul arcane casters.
Founding Date
545 AC
Religious, Holy Order
Knights of Light
Parent Organization
