Electorate Organization in Tarien | World Anvil


When the Yatians first decided upon the radical idea that to hold free elections to determine who would govern their newly freed citystate they found that very few people could actually read the ballots. Some proposed that the learned could volunteer during the election, reading the ballot to the soldiers, farmers, and craftsmen so that they would know where to place their mark. Wisely, they decided that anyone seeking office should be excluded from such a duty. As the elections neared and it became apparent that while most citizens did not seek election, many threw their support behind one or more candidates, giving speeches that explained the ideas behind their candidacy and actively campaigning upon their behalf. After a brief discussion, these men and women were also excluded from service. Sadly, this left very few to aid in ballot reading. In fact, most of neutral men and women who also knew their letters were the servants of the various human gods worshiped in the city. Another debate was held and all agreed that the service of ballot reading would be undertaken only by the faithful. The head of each order in the city agreed to the plan and each volunteered their services.
This group, which has swelled from the head of each order to five clergy for each order as the population has grown, continue the tradition today. During the elections, usually held in the third denary of the Water Moon (with the first two reserved for campaigning), they station themselves throughout the city-state to collect each citizens vote, tally the candidates that the each select and then cloistering themselves away in the Forum to tabulate the results. As voting lasts a full denary, and many priests much travel back to the city from the outlying towns before the counting can begin, a process that generally takes almost another denary, the results are generally presented to the public on Midsummer’s Eve.
While it is considered an honor to serve in the electorate, the duty is most often assigned to younger members of the clergy. It is tedious, after all, to spend ten days in the Yatian heat, explaining the ballot thousands of times and writing down each person's choices. Traditionally the heads of each order take the votes at the Forum itself, but few beyond the candidates and wealthiest influencers in the city trudge up the great hill to do so. Other members of the Electorate station themselves around the city and outlying towns, generally concentrated in the areas that their worshipers frequent the most. Landric's clergy will of congregate in the city's markets, for example, while Chetria's will travel to the farmlands south of the city.
Regardless of their individual beliefs and preferences, the clergy hold this duty sacred and its integrity is considered above reproach. The clergy do not participate in the campaigning that dominates the first part of the Water Moon and attempting to bribe or otherwise influence the process of collecting and counting votes would lead to the loss of citizenship at the least and often excommunication for the offender.
Founding Date
30C AC
Governmental, Department
Parent Organization