Waverunners Military Formation in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil


'You feel as if you are being watched, but there is no way anyone watched or followed you as you lifted the gems from the cargo hold, you're sure of it. Yet even as you made your way flawlessly off the vessel into port on Depenwood's coast, you feel it. You rush to the rendezvous point you established with your buyer, constantly glancing behind you, unable to shake the feeling of being followed. Ducking through an alley, you slip into the backdoor of the little hidden shack, a long forgotten building. You lock the door, breathing a sigh of relief. "I got what you asked, now take 'em so I can get outta this business. Stealing arcane gems off a dwarven trade ship. You're mad mag-" You're words choke in your throat as you turn to face a corpse, throat slit, of your buyer, and two dwarves, sailors obviously, calmly cleaning their knife blades.   "Ach laddie, that sounded like a confession, and given this dead rat here was a cultist o' Iracundia, that means but one thing." one of the dwarves tell you calmly. Faces set grimly, they advanced, and you turn to try and run only to find the locked door open, and a young man with a pistol trained on you. "Stay awhile," he tells you with a cold, slim lipped grin. "We've some question for ya gov'nor '" You feel a sharp pain in the back of your head, and suddenly, your world goes black.



The Wave-Runners numbers are estimated as somewhere between 1500-2500 operatives, diplomats, and spies. They are among every northern port, and many hide in plain sight as dock masters in cities outside of Suranth, unbeknownst to the local authorities of those lands. They are Suranth's clandestine intelligence apparatus, and also their....precision instrument when it comes to solving....problems. They are known to exist but only the current High King seems to know anything about them, including how they operate or what their mission might be. Some may suspect folks that they know may be attached to the organization but none can say for certain, nor would they seek to prove it. The Wave-Runners have carte-blanche, it would seem, to do whatever is required to insure their identity and missions remain secret except to the High King himself, and those he chooses to entrust with any knowledge. Indeed, relatively recently, to dwarven memory, there was an incident that proved this all to well.

Some eighty years ago one of High King Cormac's own elite guards had his throat slit in the middle of Castle Valor, though none saw his assailant, for merely opening one of these secretive letters he was to simply to watch until it disappeared. He was warned he would not see who picked it up, and insure anyone he did see did not touch it. His partner, a veteran tried to warn him not to, but the young (only in his second century, young for a dwarf) and brash soldier seemingly couldn't resist his curiosity. His partner was watching from across the hall, and never saw the assailant. The first the veteran guard saw was the thin red line and the streaks of blood running, as his partner fell, choking, unable to breath. The slit was so clean, precise, angled perfectly between the mere millimeters of space that existed between the breastplate and armored neck guard of his open helm. Flawless in execution, as if a line drawn by an engineer on a building plan or blueprint. Since that incident none, not even the royal guard, have tried to make it any of their business to learn much about this clandestine group, and even those few the High King trusts with occasional details do not relish it and rarely if ever ask any questions or clarification from what their High King sees fit to tell them.


Their wits, intellect, charisma and education first and foremost. Any operative, even the deepest undercover, will always have a proper double edged dagger, a small single shot pistol, and of course their L-pill. Concentrated Snow Racer Venom, a massive dose, easily ten times what you'd need to kill someone. You are not to be taken alive. Anything else is provided upon assignment. These are known from the rare times they've been caught outside Suranth's borders and whispered reports have come back to the High King. This has not occurred often, but it does happen. The rest of course, is assumed, the imagination if you will, of the masses. Some kids play cops and robbers. Some play the sport of Caid. Some others play at the shadowy undetailed heroics of the Wave-Runners. They are terrifying yes, but also seen as absolute paragons of loyalty to their country and people. This of course is another piece of vital and helpful equipment that likely sees use. If public opinion supports you, generally you can expect a certain level of willingness to 'forget' anything that shouldn't be known by the citizenry, from your fellow citizens.


It depends on the assignment, but generally their knife and single shot pistol is all they can reasonably get away with


Again will depend on the mission


The chain of command, as one would expect of a intelligence apparatus, is not well known. At one time it was a popular rumor, though still unproven, that Twaren Storm-Born was the highest ranking member of this clandestine organization. Nowadays, no one truly knows who is in charge, as with any good and thorough intelligence apparatus, any leads seem as water, passing through the hands as they are proven untrue.


Again, it will depend on the mission and objective. They find the tactic suited to the goal, they are exceedingly adaptable.


Not much is known about their training, but it is guessed, given the skill set known in the few times they've ever been caught and fought, that they train with the Storm Lancers for toughness and melee prowess, along with spending some time training with the Iron Dragons with firearms. Beyond that however, no answers are available in regards to their training regime, or how they are picked.


Logistical Support

Anyone who is in this intelligence core is exceedingly self sufficient. They just need a general briefing on the area of the operation, some basic knowledge of customs, cuisine, traditions, trade, and the political situation. With that, they are their own logistical support.


Extraction missions are few and far between, though they have happened. Therefore there is no set protocol, as each situation would be unique and likely require a unique approach.


They are a black budget affair. None in Suranth's government save their 1st officer, and High King Cormac Ironcliffe himself know the costs


None really know how they choose their recruits, or what the training process is. All that is known, or guessed anyway, is that every recruit is given a whole new identity, a false one for their own country, besides the false ones they will use on assignments. Moved away from their families. They disappear. Some theorize that at least one tactic is recruiting from among orphanages. This would make a lot of sense. No parents to miss the kids, and really there is generally no shortage of orphans available in such a harsh and dangerous land. Many of those youths have some useful base skills they've already picked up, and in general are fearless and clever. Indeed some even play at/pretend to be part of the shadowy group, like the children of the rich play at being Storm-Lancers, or those children whom enjoy the sport of Caid play at being members of their favorite teams. So it would make sense, though no orphanage will admit to it, and no concrete evidence has ever been brought to light.


Sometime after Suranth was properly reclaimed and had at least the beginnings of a nation growing up within her borders, this organization was formed. Not much is known as to what they've done, though they are suspected of much, none of it has been substantial enough to even investigate, not worth the risk of drawing the ire of such resource heavy nation. Without dwarven mined iron and other metals, no nation in the north would have steel, and most in the south would find their supply horrendously crippled.

Historical loyalties

King Cormac Ironcliffe
Twaren Stormborn (Deceased 1341 SuD)
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
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