Avarita (Greed) Character in Tariek Rough Collection | World Anvil

Avarita (Greed)

Greed Avarita (a.k.a. The Collector, The Coinmaster)

'It is all ours, mortal, all ours. Take everything, it doesn't matter if someone else says it is their's, it is all ours!'

Divine Domains

The lords of the abyss do not really have....domains, so much as the represent a....mirror. The worst of each race, embodied. It is believed they were once actually humanoid, but were...twisted, tainted, their souls manipulated so drastically that it even warped their bodies, and even their fundamental energy of life, pulling them into the Void, the Abyss.   Slowly, over time, these beings twisted, manipulated, further and further into the dark, into the black, until they became lords of the Abyss. Possession, the need for ownership, desire for all things material, this is the Purvey of Avarita. Greed

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Tenets of Faith

Take everything, leave nothing. The world belongs to us, and unto me. No matter who stands in our way.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Elemental Affinity: Scath (Shadow) Associated Race: Gnomes
Divine Classification
Daemon Lord
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common, Gnomish, Goblin, Dwarven


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