The Ten Districts in Taridad | World Anvil
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The Ten Districts

The Ten Districts of Noyatu are ten independent city-states with little to no ties to the countries or regions they are located in. The name "Ten Districts" is not an official title for these cities, but the population of Noyatu has agreed upon the term.   Most cities are known both by their official name and by the district they are. For example, Port Nyanzaru is known as the First District. Port Nyanzaru, Korth, and Ravnica are the districts that are most known for going by both their official name and the district number. On the other hand, Darktow is rarely called the Sixth District rather it is known as the Serpent Principality because of its geographic location.  

Table of the Ten Districts

District Official Name
First Port Nyanzaru
Second Zarash'ak
Third Felderwin
Fourth Korth 
Fifth Grimgolir
Sixth Darktow
Seventh Bysaes Tyl
Eighth Icehaven
Ninth Saltmarsh
Tenth Ravnica


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