Saltmarsh Settlement in Taridad | World Anvil
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For generations, the Wynarn Empire was a formidable military power. Its superior cavalry and bold knights pushed the kingdom's borders north and east from the Breland region. The crown's benign neglect of the southwest and the Daanavian Sea allowed piracy and banditry to flourish. Centuries ago, pirates prowled the waters east of the Shadow Marches and grew strong enough to create their own realm, a settlement they called Saltmarsh. Captain Kimertos Rawsul and the Reed Crew led Saltmarsh for two decades.   In time, the empire's victories in the north gave way to a string of defeats in Droa Mir and pushed borders closer and closer to Saltmarsh. With the world closing in, Captain Rawsul looked to the east for an escape from the crown and settled within the Lhazaar Islands. The town was abandoned by the Reed Crew and left to those who made it their permanent home. At this time, Saltmarsh took on the name of the Ninth District. In 12115 AZI, Emperor Etenbat ir'Wynarn struck peace treaties with the residents of Saltmarsh to establish trade between the entities and allow the empire to station soldiers in the town. This treaty lasted until the War of the Five Nations.   As the dust settles, Saltmarsh is entering a new phase of its life and is reacting to the politics of the new nations. Brelish agents want to expand into the village port and create a stronger treaty than that established by the Wynarn Empire. On the other hand, Droaam is looking to expand its borders south into the Shadow Marches and wants to start with Saltmarsh. The small fishing village is now in a time of decisions being pulled in two drastically different directions from larger powers.  


Saltmarsh is a bastion of civilization in the midst of an untamed region. Without its stout defenders, it might have long ago fallen to the depredations of the marches. One hundred trained warriors serve in the town guard. Each of them wears studded leather armor marked with a Mudguard's badge - a green reed growing out of the swamp - and is armed with a club while patrolling the town. The guards work in pairs, operating two guardhouses built near the road into Saltmarsh. The Mudguard is seen as something of a meddlesome force since most of its members are now drawn from veterans of the War of the Five Nations who migrated here following the revolution. Townsfolk tend to see them as brutish outsiders, though they are quick to call them when trouble arises.  

Fishing and Dragonshards

Saltmarsh might be encrusted in sea salt and reek of rotting fish guts, but there is gold aplenty in the coffers of its citizens. For more than three centuries, the ships of Saltmarsh have worked the rich fishing grounds along the coast. Trade ships from near and far have been using the docks to unload their goods, and lately more members of House Tharashk have been coming to the village as a jumping off point for dragonshard collection further within the marches.   The dragonshard mining outside town is a newer development. Despite the skepticism of the locals, the mines have started to yield silver in growing quantities along with dragonshards, and the half-orcs of House Tharashk are convinced that the reefs in the Daanavian Sea are rich with gold. If the mines take off, Saltmarsh could transform into a sprawling boomtown overnight.  

The Docks

The docks of Saltmarsh are the beating heart of the town. The fishing trade and related commerce that keeps the town alive is based here. The docks have recently undergone a series of expansions intended to lure larger merchant vessels into the port. Two primary piers are used to load and unload large ships, while a series of smaller ones accommodate humbler vessels. This part of Saltmarsh is almost constantly busy; it's rare to see the parge piers unoccupied. Guarded warehouses are a common sight in this district, and it is considered suspicious behavior to walk near those places at night.
Population: 5,700 (76% humans, 15% orcs, 5% dwarves, 4% other races)   Government: A town council that makes democratic decisions. Eda Oweland is the senior member.   Defense: Mudsguard   Hallmarks: Fishing, trade, mining

The Snapping Line

This popular inn and tavern is built from the planks and hulls of half a dozen decommissioned fishing ships. Its decor is predictably nautical in theme, and its sleeping rooms are plain but comfortable renditions of a ship's cabins. The smell of fish has never been scrubbed from its walls, and those who stay the night find their belongings steeped in the scent, which lasts for several days. Sailors and fishers gather here to trade stories and drink into the night.    The Snapping Line is run by a young woman named Hanna Rist, who comes from a family of well-known lobster catchers. The Rist family also makes a spirit from lobster meat and potatoes called claw wine; it is, to put it mildly, an acquired taste. Hanna employs several former dockhands to keep peace in her bar.
Founding Date
12094 AZI
Alternative Name(s)
The Ninth District
Owning Organization

Daanavian Mood

Saltmarsh is a place of constant energy. Few of the common folk are so affluent that they can afford to sit idle. At sunrise, the docks bustle with fishers preparing to venture out for the day. When they return, they spend their time unloading their catch, mending nets, and repairing their vessels. The merchants move their ships into the docks once the fishing fleet is out for the day, and dock workers rush to load and unload goods before the boats return.    The daily energy and bustle carry over into rowdy nights. The fishers chug ale and swap stories, each seeking to outdo the other with their tales of the sea. Fights erupt as rival crews cross paths, and the town guard keeps a high profile in hopes of maintaining the peace.    The quantity and quality of the catch in recent days go a long way toward determining the town's mood and general atmosphere. A bountiful catch for a few days in a row puts all the fishers in a celebratory mood, while a poor harvest that lasts more than a couple of days leads to frayed tempers and brawling.


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