Bysaes Tyl Settlement in Taridad | World Anvil
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Bysaes Tyl

Bysaes Tyl was founded by elves who fled the conquests of the Rifaagud Dynasty some 12,000 years ago and quietly began to build a new home away from the monstrous kingdom. The elves of Bysaes Tyl struggled through many hardships living in close proximity to Blade Desert, the Demon Wastes, and the emergence of a new region called Everglacier. Adversity bred hard, guarded, and tight-knit people.   However, following the Zehir Infliction and the end of the Rifaagud Dynasty, most elves left Bysaes Tyl seeing the city as having served its purpose. Those that remained are the ancestors of the elves that live there today. These remaining elves, seeing the horrors of the outside world, implemented an isolationist mentality for 2600 years. The city did not interact with the rest of the continent until the Wynarn Empire was at its largest influence and looking to expand eastwards. The elves opened their borders only then, peacefully joining the empire. The elves guard the secrets of their culture as best they can, maintaining a tenuous and independent relationship with the Brelish crown that holds today.  

Leveraging a Legacy

Bysaes Tyl remains the only significant city of elven creation in close proximity to Breland. The only other is T'ring in southern Breland, with a small population of 850. The denizens of Byaes Tyl feel an intense need to protect and maintain their cultural legacy, and to search for clues surrounding the destruction of their ancestral home before the Rifaagud Dysnasty. As per the agreement between Bysaes Tyl and Breland, the Ring of Three has incorporated minimal elements of Brelish society into their own and shared a number of ancient arcane secrets with the crown in exchange for their city's cultural autonomy as well as resources to handle the perils of Everglacier.   The elves wish to preserve their unique art and music, their crafting skills and techniques, and knowledge gleaned from Everglacier that might decide the future of their people. The rumors that secrets and relics within Bysaes Tyl still remain hidden from Breland heighten the tension between the crown and the Ring of Three, in addition to the slowing increasing push to absorb the city into the kingdom.  

The Ring of Three

As part of the agreement that bought the city its independence, the Ring of Three, comprised of the elven nobles Allusus Dawyne, Gwey Yethnerios, and Amra d'Phiarlan still oversees most aspects of city life. They must, however, work very closely with King Volger when governing trade and international affairs. Volger's prejudice against elves is well-known throughout the kingdom and Bysaes Tyl, and many believe this is why he keeps a close eye on the city. The Ring of Three continues to deftly undermine Volger while simultaneously stroking his ego, a dance that they have thus far executed but which cannot continue forever.  

Canopy Crime

The elves of the city rarely engage in criminal activity, but escalating theft and brutality from non-elven Brelish citizens passing through - or immigrating to - Bysaes Tyl is a problem that King Volger largely ignores. Agents of the scattered Nachtsheim, a criminal organization specializing in political exploitation, have offered to help the Ring of Three manipulate the King and his council. The Ring of Three are weighing the benefits of letting an unlawful organization into their midst to help their oppressed people against the long-term consequences of working with such untrustworthy allies.  

Trees and Roots

The city exists partially on the forest floor and partially within and around the trees, giving the settlement an air of rustic nostalgia that tempers its elven mystique. The walled surface streets are known as the Roots, or Talan, where structures weave between rocks and wide-trunked trees, giving a slanted octagonal shape to the tall, wooden exterior walls of the city. Nearly all structures here are built from pine and other taiga trees, favoring designs that resemble a bowed arch rising to an apex. Spiraling staircases known as the Shrouds, or Halya, twist around and within trees, climbing up the elevated walkways and buildings amid the forest canopy.
Population: 19,090 (83% elves, 7% humans, 10% other races)   Government: The Ring of Three reluctantly cooperates with the Brelish crown. The Noble Houses of Noyatu also work with the Ring of Three to preserve their culture under the watchful eye of King Volger.   Defense: Iceguard stand ready to defend the city.   Hallmarks: Ancient elven culture, ice and fire magic, political intrigue

Political Figures

Ring Allusus Dawyne (Male Elf)   Ring Gwey Yethnerios (Female Elf)   Ring Amra d'Phiarlan (Male Elf)
Founding Date
1035 PDE
Alternative Name(s)
The Seventh District
Owning Organization

Whitewoods Inn

Built by elven rangers, this massive structure crafted from whitewood logs boasts several magnificent greystone chimneys. Valets attend a carriage port there coaches wide; a shelter from the frequent snowfall. A sign hangs above the large carved wooden doors. Carved upon its face in the elvish script is an invitation to enter: "All Welcome". The reception area boasts a sizeable stone brazier burning sweet-smelling logs and aromatic spices. On the walls, painted murals depict hunting scenes of owlbears, great elk, and snow leopards felled by brave hunters.


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