ATG Mission 8.4 Rebuilding in the Aftermath Plot in Tanaheim | World Anvil
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ATG Mission 8.4 Rebuilding in the Aftermath

Previously on Liters of Tomorrow
Returning to Tellenor after many months out west, you all were shocked by an explosion. The dangerous entity known as the Top Hat Man destroyed your headquarters of two years, the Void Omen. After saving and healing your three employees you were beset by the new occupying force in the town known as the Aventadors. Speaking with your business partners, and your regional manager you were informed that a Knight Regent was placed in charge of Tellenor as well as an entire regiment of soldiers. Worse than that they were requiring a third of all goods and coin in town to fuel their war effort in the south, besieging Penthos.
Whipped into a frenzy by the powerful distilling magnate known as Blizzard Hops the team began to formulate a plan to lift the occupation. Trusilla Fane, your regional manager, was arrested and held for questioning in the castle. The rightful ruler of Tellenor, Duke Karbald Kerrigan was held in a cage on display next to the gibbet, exposed to the elements for several days. Karnac and Baji Krausenfoot used a night time raid to free the duke and in doing so kicked over the hornets nest. The soldiers and their trained drakes began to search the town for the Duke and the new team of interlopers. You all moved up your plans to attack the Knight and take on his soldiers.
Infiltrating the tall castle at the top you began to descend down floor by floor remove as many soldiers a possible by surprise. On the fifth floor you encountered a strange detail of Drow mercenaries clearly working with the Aventadors. These Morendath Ever'rend mercenaries were not only helping with battle strategies they were looking for a device known as the Icosahedron of Sending. A strange 20 sided stone that went missing over a year ago in Stoneport, last seen in the hands of the Diligent Corbomites. In your descent down the castle you encountered an interrogation of one of the guards, Derek Jondunlass. He was clearly tortured and even had his right hand removed despite Baji's heroic rescue attempt.
After dispatching the strange mercenaries you beheld a distressing sight happening in the courtyard below. Your employer, the great wizard Agrimor, walked up to the strange Knight to negotiate the release of Trusilla Fane. Quickly insulted and rejected in his plea he began to cast a powerful spell. Despite his best attempts nothing happened, the Knight and a witchfinder from the Assembly of the Weave captured Agrimor instead and began to take him away. The knight however had a change of mind and beheaded the wizard with his sword. Swallowing your anger you developed a plan to lure the knight into the castle to help bottleneck the incoming soldiers and help you chances against such an overwhelming force.
Sending out the awakened Squirrel known as booberry, he was tasked with stealing an item from the Knight and retreating to the castle's third floor. Several soldiers gave chase and the battle was on. Blizzard Hops created a glyph of warding to use as an offensive bomb. Eulatris suffering from a wild magic surge that doubled her size used it to her advantage to take on two drakes that were climbing in from a window. Karnac used a combination of wild shapes to take on the witchfinder and Baji danced through the many shadows to create deadly assassination attacks. Cog turned to face the Knight himself who ascended the stairs with his swords drawn. Cog quickly learned that the Knight was projecting an anti-magic field when his edritch blasts fizzled and his spells were useless. Instead the two warriors met with weapons of steel and feats of cunning.
After a prolonged and brutal battle the team stood victorious as the soldiers lay dead on the third floor. Karnac befriended the drakes who became quick docile and the Knight himself fell as his helmet rolled off of his head and lay unmovable on the floor. The Knight's face was revealed to be drow himself leaving the question of who are these Knight's of Aventador and what is their true purpose?

Plot points/Scenes

The Library in the castle has books on dragon locations in case Cog searches for a dragon scale for his bracers. Burt, Belba and Yorus need a new place to live. If Eulatris takes out Hob Cullenson the team could take up ownership of the Owlbear's Egg. It has plenty of rooms in the back for a new headquarters.
The Harvest Festival and the Funeral of Agrimor
After the battle you all stand amongst the bodies of your enemies within the walls of the courtyard. You all look down at the body of the great wizard Agrimor. His body lies unmoving on the stones and dirt of the courtyard, his head still in the maroon canvas bag. As the sun begins to crest over the horizon with an orange hue, Trusilla Fane slowly walks forward towards the body. Tears form in her eyes as she looks down, Her knees buckle as she sinks to the ground her hands curled into fists. "Can't anyone do something?" She pleads in a croak as she sobs once more. Cog, that memory of your first day in Tellenor flashes before your eyes. When the entire town stared at you in stunned silence that lone voice and the kind man who stepped forward to greet you was Agrimor. The pride you felt as a being in this world when he placed that symbol on your chest. Karnac and Hops, you remember that first journey he sent you on to secure a great treasure. When you faced the dangerous caverns of the lost and the dark carnival of Mr. Nyx. All to find the mask of many faces for Vom Fass. You all emerged exhausted on the other side of that adventure only to have Agrimor there to teleport you to safety and offer you all jobs.
[DM Note: If anyone tries a revivify spell it will spark and fail. The diamond used in the spell will shatter into dust and sparks. Bright runes glow on the under side of Agrimor's arm and a hologram of a well dressed man will form about six inches tall. "Ah a Ah! This body is protected by NeverLich Runeware! That's right NeverLich Runeware protects your Mage, Companion, Wife or Child from becoming an all powerful undead creature! NeverLich Runeware is available at most magic shops in a city near you! Feel free to recommend us to all of your friends and relatives. If you are having trouble with your runeware please contact customer service in Orbalann's Magic Shop, The City of Penthos, Ascertus district on Wyvern Street."] Trusilla says "Of course, of course he wouldn't let us resurrect him. Now what do we do about the company, about everything?"
Current Objectives:
Viendall's Interdimensional Control rod - The pieces of this rod once reforged into a comlete piece would allow the players to remove the Top Hat man from this reality.

The Icosahedron of Sending - Not only does this stone carved of living shard rock allow the user to communicate with 20 different contacts, it also keeps a signature of everyone it has every sent to. Essentially this stone is now a burn book which holds the identity of dozens of operatives who worked for the diligent corbomites and the Morendath Ever'Rend. Seeking out the stone and the higher level targets it holds within would go a long way to learning the identities of the Knights of Aventador. The stone would also allow the user to locate these operatives. By finding Panthrus Murcielagus and defeating him the army of Aventador would quickly fall apart.

The Magnesis Rune - Last seen in the possession of Kal, this stone may be more powerful than it seems. It is currently being sought by a powerful elven mage who is obsessed with the magnetic forces of the planet. He hails from the western edges of Oraheim and was stationed at the Fletching for several decades. Working with the Gnome scientists there he became fixated on the power of the laws of physics when married to magical forces. He is desperate to become the master of Magnetism and he has learned that under the Dreiduras Dome in the Forest lands lies a Caldera. He wants to use the caldera to take control of the entire western continent.


Karnac As the team moves to check on their businesses and deal with the loss of the Void Omen you feel a pulse of green coming from the town square. Sun Paw Kong the Pandaren Druid stands underneath a tree having a long philosophical debate with two starlings. He says to the more frantic bird on the branch "Oh, I could not disagree more my little friend, cats are a part of our great ecosystem and perform a role just like any other. They are not the truest of monsters." Both birds at this begin to chirp away angrily as they argue. "Ah the mighty druid Karnac has joined us! He will back up my argument!" After the birds fly away in a huff Sun Paw Kong turns to you and looks you up and down. "You have seen many seasons, I see new growth on you. You are as vibrant as rainbow above a pond! Let me see that staff of yours, it is coming along nicely. Would you permit me to add another enchanment? I can put it one more step on its journey to becoming a true woodland staff." With that the Pandaren man sits down on the ground and begins to have a lengthy conversation with the staff as you watch. "You summoned the Verdant Sigil and I am here. Did you not know that I was a valued member?"
Baji Krausenfoot
You walk amongst the strange townsfolk in this far eastern village soaking up the strange smells and feelings. The crisp fall air has the smell of fire wood mixed, spiced pies, and dry leaves all mixed together. The trees on the hillsides in the distance have all begun to turn into shades of yellow orange and red. Though the rest of the town moves about in light clothing still you feel a chill in the air. At first you chalk it up to having lived in a much warmer climate, but after a few moments a mist obscures the buildings and the sounds die down and you feel very alone. A creature moves from between two buildings, the shadow in the mist seems large and heavy with a huge snake like body. The head that appears though is that of a beautiful woman, on her head a tall silver crown. Her pale white skin is offset by the grey and purple snake like body that trails behind her. Her hair writhes and moves around her head as if it made of snakes. This should disturb you but you feel a sense of calm and giddiness as she speaks "There you are my little hare. Moving halfway around the world will not break us apart if that is what you had in mind. I am so glad you took the little frog, it is good to have a friend on your journey. Perhaps I will ask you to take more things, gifts for me to match the gift I have given you. You and I have a long wonderful relationship to enjoy over the decades!" [DM Note: Her name is Zephyris Quizla the Debaucherous. She is an arch fey trapped between worlds.]
Eula after waking up in a block of ice in a museum in a new time and place you are beginning to feel a bit one edge. Teleporting across the planet and having to deal with your mixed feelings about Yoloken, who is now not only a different person but a different form as well going by Cog. You walk through the small town you just help save and you just seek some solitude. You make your way out to the cliff overlooking the wide river below. The stars and the moons shine brightly above you on the clear crisp autumn night. Echo buzzes around behind you and then does something strange. She freezes mid air and then expands into points of light like small crystals of ice with their own internal glow. The points swirl and expand buzzing about each other faster and faster. In seconds they reform into a female form made of points of light. You can see through her to the town beyond. She says "Hello Eulatris, you have been on quite a journey. I knew when I marked you as something special you wouldn't disappoint me. Here you are, one of the great travelers in this world. I am known as Pulcinella, The Redeemer. I have gifted you with great power but I must at times have something in return. You and I fight against great evils in this world but we must also help those in need. I make it a point to help women who suffer from abusers and I want you to help me as well. There is a woman in Tellenor who is being harmed and I feel her crying out to me for vengeance. Willow Bessinger, the bartender at the Owlbear's Egg has been harmed. Visit vengeance on the Dwarven man known as Hob Cullenson. May the ice freeze your enemies." With that the ice crystals shimmer and reform into Echo as if nothing had happened. Echo looks at you quizzically.
Blizzard Hops
As you get up the next morning and immediately take a swig from your bottle of whiskey, you stumble out to the main bar. Clorthos Crom is looking through is bottles with a confused look on his face. "Oh, hey Hops. You didn't grab a bottle of Triple Sec did you? It's missing from my well. Damn that's weird. Wait a minute, those damn kids were in here in a trench coat. I knew they were trouble!" As you look outside you see a small procession of townsfolk following a small group of teenagers who are holding a big book up into the air. The Duke himself waves to you to come out and say a few words. "Blizzard Hops! these brave young adventurers have brought back the Town Tome! They fought a fierce troll to recover it, perhaps you would say a word or two?"



The Harvest Festival
As you all prepare the body for cremation or burial the townsfolk slowly begin to crowd around the castle. Many of them are stunned and scared. The Duke approaches you all, his wife Harmony next to him. They have blankets over their shoulders to protect them from the crisp morning air. "This is a strange mixture of Sadness and triumph. Though we must give Agrimor a proper sendoff he wouldn't want it to be dour and dark. He would want the town to celebrate like we used to. Celebrate him and the heroes he gathered who protected us this day. The Harvest Festival is back on!" He shouts for the whole crowd to hear and with fist pumps and hoots the town lets out a cheer for the first time in weeks. Smiles and tears can be seen all around you as Harv Leder of Blizzard Hops tavern says "Many of our stores are in the basement of the castle we can reclaim them now and set up this festival proper!"
With that the town gets busy quickly, Bakers and taverns throw themselves into a flurry of pastry making and grilling. Casks of ale, Whiskey and Wine are carried out from the storerooms of the castle. Many shopkeepers and locals begin to throw up the traditional decorations of the Harvest Festival. Trusilla Fane continues to cry but has a smile on her face. "This is what he would have wanted. We should take the day to celebrate. We can decide the future of the company tomorrow. I'll contact the stronghold and the other Adventure teams and tell them all that has happened."  A half orc man runs up to her and they embrace.  He looks up at all of you. "You folks may not remember me considering all of your adventuring, I'm Paste Pot Pete Pollivar from the ceramics shop.  Thanks for all you did here this night." There son Petey runs up the hill and looks at all of you wide eyed.  "Holy Smokes! the real blizzard Hops and Cog!" He just stares as Trusilla and big Pete gently grab his shoulder and begin to lead him away. Trusilla says to you all as she goes to leave "I will join all of you this afternoon for several pints of ale and some of your stories." She touches your arm as she walks off to her house to rest and contact the stronghold. The Duke, still gaunt and unshaven walks up to you with the Duchess who was also under lock and key in the castle. "I want to personally thank all of you for what you have done. This was truly a heroic act to save this town. The rest of their army is out there still and there will be consequences but we can deal with that tomorrow. The wife and I are going to rest in the castle for awhile and come up with a worthy reward for all of you. See you tonight." The rest of the morning is yours what would you all like to do?
After your long rest you walk back into town and see the transformation. The magical floating lanterns hover over the streets glowing orange, yellow and red bobbing up and down. Carts are wheeled out throughout the town square piled with Delicious Fried Dough with fruit fillings, Skewers of grilled goat and chicken coated in peppery spices, and casks of spiced ale and wine. Children run and laugh through the streets once more and watch as Morchu the blacksmith sets up different games for later. You see Parna Eve and their daughter putting the finishing touches on her costume for the festival. A rather unspectacular Kuo Toa with green and yellow dyed leather.  Straw bales are brought in for atmosphere and for sitting on, and cornstalk decorations are quickly woven into bunting and colorful scarecrows. Children in costumes run through the cobbled streets a level of excitement you haven't seen since you got back. You see one small kid in a blue goblin costume, another dressed as a crude Ogre, A small girl as a Pteranadon, Another as a Kuo Toa and even one really small kid dressed as a Magmin with red and orange paper streamers trailing off of his arms.  They run about town with small baskets woven to look like pumpkins asking for treats, usually a round pink melange of crystallized sugar, honey, sweet berries, and a red dye glaze.  
Game 1 - Balance Blade - Two players balance one footed on an upturned log. They each use wooden practice swords to fence while balancing. The first player to lose their sword or their footing loses!
Game 2 - The Fool's Dance - A dancing and storytelling competition. The player must tell the most compelling story while acting it out with dance. Whoever does both the best simultaneously is the winner. This is often judged by the most elderly women in town and they are very subjective. They often favor small children or young girls in need of a confidence boost.
Game 3 - Assembly of the Knockoffs - Small unflattering carvings of figures dressed as assembly of the weave higher ups are stacked on a fence. Players have to use small rocks to knock over as many of the twelve figures that they can. Each figure has a varying point value depending on their rank.
[DM Note: A one shot that involves modern day or early 90s Halloween where the kids are turned into their Halloween costumes (becomes their classes) and they have to stop the one causing this on Halloween to revert. Clearly this is Mr Nyx trying to get revenge on the team and Vom Fass. He doesn't even realize Vom Fass isn't there. Once he does he may transport Vom Fass in to make him a target somewhere in the chaos.]
As you all relax and take in the sights and sounds of the harvest festival it feels good grab a cold ale or a warm spiced wine. You watch the kids run around dressed in bright colors and scary costumes asking for candy in loud sing song voices. Suddenly a wave of magical energy pulse throughout the town. A strange pink glow rushed through you and dissipates. At first you feel nothing, everything seems normal. Then you hear a scream, and then another from the woman dispensing some candy to the kids. Instead of the five year old in the magmin costume with the brightly colored streamers now, a tiny Magmin creature screeches at an old woman and spits fire! The kid in the blue goblin costume is now clearly an actual blue goblin!
[DM Note: A Trickster Demon has created this diversion. Using the magical gem of Karvelas it has set off the magical pulse. Using the confusion it will try to take the place of one of the children and then live with that family as long as possible. This demon will also be the reason that Ryan's new character Akuma will be drawn to Tellenor. He is hunting the demon that killed his brother. Unfortunately this will not be that demon.]
Several kids in costumes now are running through the crowd as actual full grown monsters. A young girl in a Pteranadon costume now takes off into the air, with a full 20 ft. wingspan! A towering ogre roars at a cart vendor with iced cakes. His big hand comes down and scoops all of the pastries into his mouth. The magmin kid with the streamers now appears as a superheated magmin loping after adults breathing flames from his mouth. The blue goblin kid is now an actual blue goblin sneering at a woman selling bread. A three year old girl is now an actual Kuo Toa creature slobbering about.  Another boy is now a devilish Imp bouncing around after people in the square.


NOTES the Citizens of Tellenor :
Paste Pot Pete Pollivar is married to Trusilla Fane. They have a son named Petey Pollivar. Today he is in a Blue Goblin costume at the festival.
Carpenter - Gerebor Grummsh, He is married to a human man named Estabor. They have a son named Rilius who will be our little Magmin kid.
Alchemist - Rasturus he is allied with the Cog and Gear
Armorer - Blassy Aninore, human woman. She is married to a human man named Zork Clemmon. They have two kids a boy named Porty (Owlbear cub costume) and a daughter named Rizza. (Blue goblin)
Smithy - Gorbus Broluton a Dwarven man married to a human woman named Cassy Broluton. They have a daughter and a son named Imogene and Rusty.
Clarus Spice Market - Keregano Clarus, human man is married to a half elven woman named Augustine Clarus.
Temple to Corsun - Perrilan Nuct, Human man
Artificer- Gazza Dwindlehooke, gnome man allied with the Cog and Gear
Honcho Stables - Honcho Panza, human man is married to a dwarven woman named Lassis Groundtooth. They have a son named Villi.
Karbulon Bazzaar - Ellerin K’arbulon
Leatherworks - Velebrush Athagar, Half-orc man
Morchu Hammerash is the smith of the Cog and Gear he is married to Parna Eve of the Blizzard Hops Tavern.
Hooper’s General Store - Mr. Hooper, an elderly human man who is going senile.
Nock’s Clothier - Westarius Nock an Elderly Tiefling man and his wife a half elven woman named Estelle Nuct. She is the mother to Perrilan Nuct.
Owlbear’s Egg Tavern - Hob Cullenson, and Willow Bessinger, a Halfling woman who is the bartender
Plurius Docks, dockmaster - Sestun Trev a Water Genasi man and other workers are Gustav Graves a human man, Abal Amal a Tiefling woman, and a dwarven woman named Umber Stumpf.
Scribes and Noble - Erandelle Yostele, Drow Woman
Shrine to Azurat - A female Aasimar named The Weave's Touch. She is assisted by a firbolg man named Cave Carson
Stirge’s Sting Distillery - Stullius Stirge. He will be responsible for using the gem in the cave. He is getting revenge on Blizzard Hops and the underwing brewery and SMOG for destroying his business!
Tellurian Glass - Teluris Amasur, Tiefling man
Green Arch Inn - Gaelus Durriban, Halfling man is the owner. Inside the Green Arch inn is storefront for the Courier company known as SwiftWing Messages. This is a business run by an Aarokocra couple who have a son named Ikki Ta’Kik. They are the owlish looking folk by the names of Willa and Mokki Ta’Kik.
The sparkling Gem, Brothel - Belle Swearingen - Dwarven woman
Underwing Brewery - Bailincourt Hopfoot, Halfling man
Felushian Tailor - Felush under the rock , tabaxi man
Duke Karbald Kerrigan and Duchess Harmony Nellis Kerrigan Both of them are the grandparents of Dusty Gorf the Tiefling Warlock. His mom is a Tiefling woman named Filla Wintergreen and his dad is a human man named Codius Kerrigan.
  Harv Leder - manager at Blizzard hops. Married to Maggie Leder. They have a son named Grigg
Parna Eve - Wood Elf bartender at Blizzard Hops. She is married to Morchu Hammerash. They have a daughter named Yasmin Clorthos Crom - Bartender at Blizzard Hops, married to Lisbeth Crom Platter. A Halfling woman. They have a son named Ulstin.
  The kids in costume at the festival:
  • Petey Pollivar - The blue goblin. This is Petey from the teen titans one shot.
  • Imogene Broluton - Pteradon costume
  • Rilius Grummsh - Magmin
  • Ulstin Crom-Ogre
  • Grigg Leder-Imp
  • Yasmin Hammerash-Kuo Toa
  • Porty (Owlbear cub costume)

The Reason for the Season

In the cave on the north western side of Tellenor Stullius Stirge began a dark ceremony. He had acquired the Karvelas Stone and waited until Halloween night when the veil was at its thinnest. He summoned the demon and commanded it to murder the Cleric known as Blizzard Hops. He had no idea what demon he was summoning or where it came from, his ritual was fairly clumsy. The Karvelas Stone let through a Samhaueiin demon or a trickster demon who immediately fled the cave and ran off into the populace of the city. Once there he let out a wave of evil magic that transformed any children wearing costumes during the festival into their costumes.
  Need you to start as Karnac as we deal with the ramifications of last weeks battle. Once Karnac meets up with Sun Paw Kong the two Druids can head off to the woods to finish your staff enchantments. From there the strange character known only as Akuma will wander into town and start asking questions. Akuma has traveled far from the forest lands in search of the Hezrou demon that killed his brother. He now tracks any demons based on rumors or reports that he hears from townsfolk or traveling merchants. Traveling East through the Eigerlands he heard of a dangerous talisman known as the Karvelas Stone that had been uncovered by the Helles Adventuring Company, the rival company to PACT. The stone is rumored to summon demons during certain times of the year and with the right ritual summoning. The stone was last spoken about it at Morden’s Bridge the town Akuma arrived at the previous night. Questioning a merchant in town he mentioned he sold something like it to a man from Tellenor. A human man who wore a navy blue cloak and had a leather apron with an S logo. Akuma headed for Tellenor that same day south on the Eastern Road.
  Inside the River Cliff Cave -
As you wander down the rough carved steps your only light is that of the moons above. The steps are uneven and craggily, carved decades ago right into the cliff. To your left is a 200 foot drop leading down into the rivers and the sharp black wet Rocks that jut up into the cliff side. The entrance to the cave is pitch black and has a damp mossy smell to it. [DM Note, a perception check DC 14 allows for a smell of incense and the faint smell of brimstone.]. As you make your way down a tight triangular opening deeper into the cliff the air gets a bit drier and the temperature warms just a bit. After a minute you arrive into an opening about 25 ft wide and a ceiling of perhaps 10 feet. It is pitch black, those of you with dark vision only see grey shades of rocks and haze. A small object hangs from the middle of the ceiling on a thin chain. A rock with a brass and iron casing on one side. As you touch it a faint amber glow emits from the depths of the crystalline structure. With the light you begin to see the markings of a ritual all around the area. Symbols are drawn into the dirt and clumsily carved into the rock. Small sticks of incense are scattered around the cave floor as well as used flint and tinder with small scraps of kindling. [DM Note: basic reading of the sigils lead one to believe that they are summoning rituals but by an amateur. Like something you would read out of cheap dime novel or DnD equivalent. Whatever happened here though sure seems like it came from this stone which radiates arcane conjuration energy.]

Rising Action

[DM Note: All evidence will point towards Stullius Stirge the owner of the other distillery. The incense the recent trip to Morden’s Bridge and the chalk used to write the sigils will be found in or near his house.]
The Stirge House is atop the Distillery building. Stirge's Sting distillery was one of the great draws for travelers coming into Tellenor for rest after traveling the Eastern Road. Today though the building looks dark. As you peer through the windows you see dust on several of the copper coils and stills that are used everyday in the distilling process. Tracked through the flat stone floor are just a few sets of footprints that can be seen in the layer of everyday dust that settles. The door is locked [DC 13 to pick].
Inside you get a better look at the long oak bar and the glassware. Most of which looks like it hasn't been used in months. A few bags of corn and rye lay against the wall. A closer inspection reveals some burrowing by insects, a few grain worms can be seen writhing inside as you filter some of the grain over your hand. The smell is a bit musty and sour as the grain dust puffs out of the burlap. On the wall behind the bar is some of the promotional material for the Blizzard Hops Distillery pinned up. Several small knives are stabbed into the wood of the wall right through the cartoon drawing of Hops' eyes and head. Behind the distilling equipment is a wooden staircase leading up to the living portion of the building.
As you creak up the wooden staircase the wood feels strong and well built like most structures in Tellenor. [DM Note: Roll a perception check. Depending on roll first up the stairs can sense Stullius. He is waiting behind the door with a butcher knife, terrified that the demon is coming for him.] As you walk up the stairs you see that the door to the living area is swung open to the left, though it looks like it has been for some time. Dust on the stairs has been walked on several times in the last few days. As you walk into the room beyond you see a wide room with a kitchen area to the right. A wooden table with two chairs and a stove sit in front of a long counter. Beyond you see another door leading to a bedroom. Suddenly a shriek from behind the door as a crazed figure runs out and slashed at you with a butcher knife! Stullius Stirge is a tall thin human man with a Van Dyke beard of black and grey that just off of his chin. His cheeks look gaunt and his eyes wide and angry. "Get away from me! It's not my fault!" He continues his assault with the butcher knife, what would you like to do?


Changing the kids back to their normal selves requires a dispel magic cast or the players can use the candy from the festival. Once one of the creatures eats one of the candies they return to their normal selves but retain the memory of what the creatures were like. Once all of the creatures have been corralled and returned to normal it is quickly realized that we now have two Petey Pollivars! The two Pete's stand next to one another, and as Trusilla Fane and Paste Pot Pete stare at the two they look confused and upset. "Hops what devilry is this?"
With a spell or a touch of Iron or even clean water the demon will be revealed and the fight is on! Roll Inititative!
The Duke's Reward 
The duke offers to construct a new home for the team if they so wish.  He also mulls over the construction of a statue dedicated to the team on the spot where the Void Omen was destroyed.
Burt Oberton - Chief of staff. Burt was one of the captives of Mr. Nyx in his dark carnival he was abducted by the imp in the year sf 2735. Initially disoriented and frightened, he now is exploring the city of Tellenor and has fulfilled the role of majordomo for the headquarters. A human male of about 50 years old he was a tavern owner in his old life and may have some knowledge about the past.
A half elven woman named Belba Caraway is the maintenance chief - abducted by Mr. Nyx in the year sf 2754, in her previous life she was a carpenter and a silver smith. After being freed by the adventuring party she was almost catatonic after her ordeal, but working with Burt she has begun to recover and in the last month has regained her speech and skills.
  Yorus Carobelt a Halfling man is the chef and bartender - The last rescue from Mr. Nyx’s dark carnival freak show he was captured in sf 2726. At first he was also in severe shock and not responsive. In the last month he has regained his speech and abilities by cooking and working with food. Always his first love, he finds comfort and control in cooking. Yorus is originally from Kierkewoode in the west of Tellenheim.
Completion Date
October 29th, 2021
Plot type
Main Story
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Articles under ATG Mission 8.4 Rebuilding in the Aftermath


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