The Solar System

The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you
— Neil deGrasse Tyson

The solar system is cradle of Humanity and was is only place to live until Sol 27465 when Solomon "Grundy" Lorentz discovered "The Shard". Composed of 8 planetes orbiting a fearly small star, the solar system would be a boring system if not for a very peculiar thing : There is life on it !

At least two different intelligent species as lived in the Solar system :

  • Humans, a race of bipedal primate with a very powerfull brain
  • Ancients, a lesser known also space fairing civilisation, probably of aquatic decent.

  • Geography

    The Solar system is composed of 8 planets orbiting the sun
    • Mercure, a telluric , small planete extremly close to it's star. Closeness to radiation and obviously hot temperature has mad it hard to colonize, so it was mostly overlooked by both civilisation
    • Venus, was a nice temperate place in early solar system. The telluric planet was colonized by the Ancients but a cataclysmic runaway greenhouse effect make it one of the harshest condition on the system ending all lives on it's surface.
    • Earth; the birth place of Human race, is a telluric planet with heavy liquid water presence. It's moon, now called Luna is also inhabited.
    • Mars, the last of the telluric planete of the Solar system, cold but strangely temperate Mars is the host of the second largest human colony second only to Earth.
    • Jupiter, a gaz giant orbitted by many moons
    • Saturn a gaz giant orbitted by many moons
    • Uranus a gaz giant
    • Neptune a gaz giant

    Fauna & Flora

    Each planet as it's own ecosystem but Earth one is as far as we know the more diverse one. see Earth
    Luna as small pocket of lifebut almost all of it was imported from Earth and nearly all live inside giant base and complexe.
    Mars as three very distinct biomes :
    • - Inside of domes : most of in-domes biosphere is in fact Imported Earth species but as the domes grew larger and larger, more complexe eco-system emerged. Some local twist on known species as gained dominance and evolved long enough to be species on their own right
    • - Outside of domes : While originally from Earth, the martian eco-system was heavily engineered to survive mars colder climate. Heat and light projector where used to grow forest dense enough to act as thermal protection for both cultures and animal life. The strange condition of this illuminated forest lead to the devellopement of new species and opportune adaptation
    • - O² Farm : to provide enough oxygène for Terra-formation effort, giant frozen lake where created and inseminated with specilly enginered O² producing algae. The methane and oxygen produced by these lake coupled with the heating effect of decaying algae make the coast of such life an intense eco-system of nano to small species of algae, shrooms and microbes.
    Star System
    Vehicles Present


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