Manya Kuznetsov Character in Tales from the Rookery | World Anvil

Manya Kuznetsov

Manya Ivannava Kuznetsov

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Rather adorable young Russian girl. In good physical condition, if rather sleepy during the day. That's understandable due to her Nocturnal wing type.

Body Features

Her wings are that of a Black Crowned Night Heron.

Facial Features

A round fave with a button nose. High apples of her cheeks, overall her look is very soft. She has a strong chin and jaw area, masked by baby fat.

Identifying Characteristics

A mole under her right eye.

Special abilities

She's got a nocturnal bird's wings, so she had better dark vision then her classmates. Also very intellectually intellegent, likes playing games strategically.

Apparel & Accessories

She has adapted some of her Russian clothes for her new climate. A fondness for ribbons, and frills. Always ties her hair back with a Ribbon, sometimes braids it in. Likes to wear shin length dresses with bright vibrant patterns of flowers and birds, with high socks. Buying new clothes meant she tried to find things she thought was pretty, like long skirts, tunic style shirts, and colorful tennis shoes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Moved from her birth country of Russia when she was 5, because her father got a much better job in the states.


Currently still in grade school, and while she speaks Russian fluently she has a hard time speaking in english. So she takes extra language classes to catch up to her classmates.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Moved from Russia to the US. Has won a few Choiral competitions.

Personality Characteristics


She likes the Idea of being a Courier, She wants to become the best night-flyer. She lso wants to be able to communicate her thoughts better.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

She is really good at defining effecianies, and at creating tactics based around them. Overall she's a big time planner, always looking ahead to see where her next move should be. She is also a very good singer and is a member of the school choir.
She struggles with being unable to coherently express her thoughts with words, it makes her frustrated. She also has a hard time making friends with people, because of her language barrier. She can be a bit brusque and sharp, but deep down she's very sweet and only means the best.

Likes & Dislikes

She likes pretty things. Polished stones, brightly colored ribbons, delicate lace, well plated food, Damascus steel, the stars, are all things that she has described as pretty in her life. She also likes when people acknowledge her intelligence, listen to her instructions, or simply think on something she's said. 
She does not like waking up early, it feels gross to her. She also dislikes the feeling of cloth on her feathers. Manya also HATES getting things she percives as precious dirty.

Virtues & Personality perks

Smart and willing to help other figure out problems.

Vices & Personality flaws

She can get very angry very fast, oftentimes snapping when she doesn't mean to. Tends to be a little overly clean from time to time.

Personality Quirks

She tends to curl in on herself in big crowds. She keeps her wings tucked in close at any non-flying time as well. 
She's very well groomed, keeping every part of herself as clean as she could be. Tends to be a little overly clean from time to time. Always tracking loud noises with her head.


She's very well groomed, keeping every part of herself as clean as she could be.


Family Ties

Her Mother is a Dove-winged Winger, who has a job working full time at an antiques store in The Rookery Complex's mall. Is learning English as best she can, and she and her daughter work together to figure it out. She is planning on becoming a US Citizen, because of how warm she is here. She enjoys the sun on her wings and does not ,nor has she ever, liked the snow.
Manya's Father on the other hand is the reason they moved here. After he got a job offer, that he simply could not refuse, Her Duck winged Father moved them all over here. He's a high level businessman, who taked weekends completly off to spend them with his family. He is Fluent in English, and they often use their family time to practice the language. He loves his family, and has never missed and even Manya was in.

Hobbies & Pets

Manya wants to have a pet, preferably a kitty cat, but her Father is allergic so she does not have one.
Manya loves singing, and has joined the Academy's Choir program. She also likes beating people in board games, and has a collection of strategic games to play with people.


She can mannage simple sentences, but tends to get hung up on tenses, and finding specific words. This causes her to lose track of her sentences, and become confused. She can speak Russian like a native, because she is.

Wealth & Financial state

A middle class citizen
Current Location
Date of Birth
May 20
Volograd, Russia
Current Residence
The Apartments of The Rookery Complex
Soft droopy hazel eyes
Very long slightly wavy platinum blonde hair.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white skin, with cute rosy cheeks.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Russian & Learning English


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