Emilia Koehler Character in Tales from the Rookery | World Anvil

Emilia Koehler

Emilia Koehler (a.k.a. Lia)

Koehler means 'coal burner' in German. Emilia found that amusing when she chose a name.    When Emilia first awoke from her long slumber she was forced to find refuge in a cave system in the Alps while she took the measure of this new world in which she found herself. It didn't take her long to realize that centuries had passed while she lay slumbering. In that time much had changed and yet she found that fundamentally cultures and people remained the same.    Being a dragon gifted with the ability to shift to human form, Emilia quickly adopted a form and ventured out into the new world. She learned technology, though she still prefers magic. Before too long she found work as a legal assistant in order to get a feel for the politics and morals around her. Shortly thereafter she found her calling.    One day, as she was walking home from work she heard the soft sound of crying from behind a dumpster in a side alley. She went to investigate and found a small winged child hiding there. At first the child started with fear, but Emilia worked her magic [literall], and soon the child was snuffling the last of her tears in her lap. Emilia came to understand that the child was being horribly bullied by the other children and worse, by her parents. While her parents hadn't abandoned her to the streets, they were not kind to the child, nor did they defend her from the hard-hearted world that had not embraced the newly forming magical humans.    Just like the Emila had something to protect. Yes, this child, but also all of these children. The wingers. Those who were in need of a safe haven and protection from those who had yet to accept them and their kind. She started forming schools to train wingers in the use of their wings and then, as enough were trained, she started the delivery services across the globe, specializing in the delivery of items the regular services wouldn't, or couldn't carry.    All dragons must have a hoard, and hers is the precious winged children of the new era of magic.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is in excellent health and appears to be a physically fit woman in her mid-forties.

Facial Features

She has very aquiline features with high cheek bones and a quick smile.

Identifying Characteristics

She has an aura of command, but no one feature stands out among others.

Physical quirks

She likes to look over her glasses as those she is staring down.

Apparel & Accessories

She wears glasses with colorful frames. He has a variety of colors.

Personality Characteristics


Emilia has a driving desire to protect the wingers of the world. While ostensibly Rook, Inc. was created as a business concept, to her it has always been a mission to keep the wingers safe and to give them purpose and keep them happy.

Likes & Dislikes

She seriously dislike any who would harm wingers.

Virtues & Personality perks

She ensures that those under her care are well provided for in all capacities. Needs are met and freedom to pursue one own interests are encouraged. Once you are a part of the Rook, Inc family, you are always family.


She considers excellent grooming to be standard.


Social Aptitude

She is socially well connected. While not exactly outgoing she wins over most people fairy quickly. She has excellent matters and good etiquette. She is knowledgable on social courtesies from a wide range of countries and cultures.


She speaks with her hands.

Hobbies & Pets

She loves to learn new languages and play the piano.
Drawing of Emilia
Dragon Lady by IronDuck
Current Location
Current Residence
She lives in The Atlantis Rookery.
dark blue and wide
long and chestnut brown, kept in two long braids
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
170 lbs
Aligned Organization


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