Leik-Technology, or Leik-magic as it was more commonly known as in Dorralia, is an umbrella term for all magical effects created by the Thaumaturges of the city, which were powered by Leik-crystals.
Brief History
Even before Dorralias founding, the strange crystals found in the cliffs around the city had been known to sages and philosophers, though at the time the crystals were only known as a novelty item, which can, when wet glow for a while before fading. It was only when the first permanent military camp was settled at Dorralias later location by Dorralia Golrok and Circalion that the true potential and secret of the craft was uncovered. The magewrights and battlemages of the first Dorralian battalion discovered the source of the Leiks magical properties in the union of lightning and crystal and soon after combined the often overlooked rune-magic with this new power source. The first iteration of Leik-magic was born.Utility
Leik crystals unique property is that they can capture the power of lightning. The power is stored inside the crystal at a suprisingly high energy density. Normally it stays there in perpetuity, but if it is given an outlet, the power drains from the crystal. The natural version of this outlet is water. A Leik-crystal that is wet emits a light blue light until either the water has evaporated or the crystal has emptied its reserves.
If the Leik-crystal instead gets in contact with pure copper or silver, it transforms its power into electrical energy, which flows through the metal. As it does so, the metal heats up.
On its own, escaping energy is of little use except for illumination or heating. This is where the second part of the equation, Runes, comes into play. Runescribing, is a field of magic with little use, as the guiding ability of the runes is just a more complicated form of achieving similar effects with normal spells. The far bigger problem with Runescribing is however, that it is by design very inefficient in its use of power. Often a runic spell requires five to ten times the effort of a different magic school.
But if, if, one had a vast ocean of disposable magical energy, say the power of a storm, Runescribing suddenly becomes very interesting. By combining the release of Leik-stored energy via copper and the intricate carving, writing or smithing of runes into artifacts, magic becomes tameable and more importantly accessible even to races which lack the magical talent of humans.
Common uses
Apart from the already mentioned uses of Light and Heat, Leik most commonly assists Dorralias wealthier parts in day to day things. Leik-Magic can decrease or increase the weight of items, it can repel things moving towards it, and it can achieve illusory feats, such as hiding unsightly features of ones appearance.Image source: Leikcrystal by Ninodonlord (via Midjourney)
Parent Technologies
First working Leik-Tool built by Rabhakar Mirewright in 67 FE
Access & Availability
Minor Leik-Magic was used ubiquitous at Dorralias height, but was somewhat gated by wealth. Who could afford it used Leik for heating, light and minor comforts.
The use of Leik-magic is easy. Once you complete the runepath, the effect begins. To make new Leik-tools is however very complicated and requires mastery of runes as well as the availability of and ability to process copper.
First leik crystals were known long before Dorralia, but only after the founding of the settlement was the true source of the magic discovered and its use tamed.
Related Species
New Year's Resolution challenge Constructive Feedback: Although the rules said only constructive feedback, I'd like to do a little of both. I really enjoyed the initial image at the top and enjoyed seeing the source of the image to the right. The reason this was a unique idea is because it helps me as a viewer connect more personally to the content as I also use Midjourney for similar purposes. I enjoyed seeing linked content to Parent Technology. It gives the viewer more chances to become fully invested in your technology! I also enjoyed that you bolded section of the content. As a viewer, I assume that these may turn into additional links later on, which gets me excited to come back and look for more content to read as you progress. For some constructive feedback lets look at the first sentence under brief history "Even before Dorralias founding, the strange crystals found in the cliffs around the city had been known to sages and philosophers, though at the time the crystals were only known as a novelty item, which can, when wet glow for a while before fading." This sentence was moderately difficult to read for me. Consider adding a period after philosophers to shorten the sentence, or looking at ways to restructure the sentence. Last feedback would be under the section called "Complexity". I was unsure as a reader if "Liek-toos" was the term you were heading for, or if Liek-tools was more what you wanted. If the latter, then just double check the work for inconsistencies to what you want other to read! I hope this feedback is helpful. Thanks again for the great read. Keep up the great work!
Thanks for your very in depth feedback! Its much appreciated :) Leik-toos was indeed supposed to be Leik-tools, good catch! I have marked this article down as in need of some new formatting anyways, so I will do my best to also make it more digestable. I do know that I have the tendency to make sentences that are too long, but during Worldember the goal was definitely volume first ^^ I look forward to reading more from you as well and thanks again for your praise :)
Its Worldember!I am building out a spooky world, which you can read about here! (psst, its a link)
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