Relig Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 120K   RELIGION: Läänti Ascendism   ETHNIC GROUPS: Miibaa   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Heldokðuir - 100K / Emmherel - 20K   CURRENCY: Uskii (0.8, S)   CAPITAL: Firiorn   CITIES: Yeark   TOWNS: Cuoublude, Herock, Stularin, Groildens, Dingf, Randwrign   VILLAGES: Staysown, Ructantlin, Gruhandis, Ichven, Duhrasmakt, Wallen
  Relig is a land of contrasts and contradictions, a place where old and new worlds collide. The climate is freezing and it contains some of the northernmost settlements in Arlok.   Its people, the Miibaa, are fiercely proud of their heritage, which they pass down through the Heldokðuir tongue. Their culture is closely related to the Kiinttel of Kaul. Miibaa living outside of major settlements are highly conservative and cleave to the old ways almost exclusively, despite the hold of Läänti Ascendism in more civilized centers. Reindeer, abundant across Relig, are held sacred to the people, and effigies of reindeer-headed deities are a common sight, even in Läänti churches.   The capital city of Firiorn, a bustling port town much like its southern neighbor Ioustrweg, is a hub of commerce and trade. The entire city is built around a legendary statue which predates its founding by such a period that residents are unsure of its exact identity. The Miibaa associate it with the folk hero, Fir, hence the city's name 'Firiorn': "Fir's Resting Place". The city's docks are always full of ships from far-off lands, unloading exotic goods and treasures from distant shores, and the nearby Ribok Isles depend on Relig for the import of many northern commodities. Thus have the Miibaa developed an especially strong relationship with the isles' inhabitants, the Cadgren.   In the city of Yeark there is a famous brewery called Olva Brothers, after the siblings that own it. The beer produced here is made with a blend of herbs and spices the brothers keep zealously secret and is so good that rumours fly about it being magical.   The Grenilwood, a vast and ancient forest outside the small town of Groildens, is a source of both wonder and mystery. Many legends and stories surround the forest, and some say that it contains secret places of great power and significance.   Relig is famous for the Miibaa's traditional mastery of ice sculpting, honed through generations of living in a cold, snowy climate. The area is also known for its highly trained falcons, which are used both for hunting and as messengers between cities.   Finally, a group of powerful, influential women known as the Daughters of the Dawn hold significant political power here, and are said to be able to predict the outcome of important events through their prophetic dreams. Their gifts are considered generally in line with Temporomancy, the power displayed by members of The Aurimbic Tradition, though neither the Daughters nor Aurimbics are formally affiliated.
Seal of Clan Kys


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