Dweigh Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 1.5M   CITIES: Kewlun, Authra   TOWNS: Chypat, Sulamid, Diffia, Adosablar, Ambean, Enciphon, Foesenl, Hilac   VILLAGES: Sivereampostak, Desioninke, Gastan, Pathis, Norarn, Paulatur, Hobian  
  Long live the Uvan Empire, a beacon of progress and a testament to the human spirit, embodied nowhere more clearly than in the vibrant region of Dweigh. With the bustling cities of Kewlun and Authra, and significant areas like Enciphon, Chypat, and Sulamid, Dweigh pulses with the lifeblood of the Empire - its hardworking people, its innovative ideas, and its commitment to advancement.   Kewlun, renowned for its skilled artisans, is the cornerstone of the Empire's clockwork industry. These diligent craftspeople shape and assemble intricate mechanisms with precision, transforming raw materials into functional works of art that keep time and animate the Empire's impressive automata. Authra, home to the terminal of The Ruby Road, is a vibrant hub of trade and commerce. Here, products of the Empire's ingenuity and labour embark on their journey along the trade route, spreading our ideology as they make their way to Draksineon. This is not merely commerce - it is the diffusion of our superior way of life.   Enciphon, Chypat, and Sulamid are vital nodes in the Empire's industrial network. Here, resource extraction and processing fuel our industries, providing the raw materials for our clockwork devices and other products of innovation. These regions serve as the vital roots that feed the flourishing tree of our Empire.   Dweigh, the beating heart of our industry, reflects the best of the Uvan Empire - relentless innovation, industrious endeavour, and the indomitable human spirit. Every gear that turns and every clock that ticks in this land is a testament to the greatness of our Empire. Let us take pride in Dweigh, for it is the lifeblood of our progress. Long live the Uvan Empire! Long live The Weaver of Webs!


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