Dragonshead Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 1 MILLION   RELIGION: The Old Tradition   ETHNIC GROUPS: Sakxani, The Dok, Cerlinnu   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: SAKVIR - 750K / COLMERHÆD - 140K / TOL YLIDOC - 105K / Fiit - 5K   CURRENCY: Boeren (0.6, T)   CAPITAL: Magnavil    CITIES: Falcon's Perch, Justagril, Dallyway   TOWNS: Smalltown, Bluebeach, Sunset, Water's Edge, Hereal, Locklow   VILLAGES: Fisherville, Conch, Buckenvel, Yom's Farm, Robble, Gothet, Lineuverk, Dooran, Habbil's Stead
  Nestled at the edge of the Flower Sea, the province of Dragonshead offers a rustic tranquility untouched by the rapid change of the modern world. The capital, Magnavil, is no bustling metropolis, but what it lacks in urban sophistication, it makes up for with a humble charm and a vibrant sense of community. Beneath the facade of a simple provincial lifestyle, the local culture blossoms in unique, subtle ways, much like hidden gems awaiting discovery.   The tapestry of Dragonshead's population is woven from threads of two major cultural groups: the Sakxani and the Cerlinnu. The Sakxani, descendents of the once mighty empire of King Eddvar, have adapted to the changing times with resilience and innovation. Though they have lost their direct connection to their ancestral island of Sakxa due to the elven presence in the northern Bluepool, they have created new traditions, continually redefining themselves in this ever-changing world.   The Cerlinnu, hailing from lands even further north, also share the province with the Sakxani. These two groups, despite their different origins, have learned to coexist in this region, finding common ground in their shared love for the land they now call home.   Scattered about the province, a number of Dok (elves) also call Dragonshead home, their presence adding an additional layer of diversity to the cultural landscape.   Dragonshead might not be a cosmopolitan hub, but it is a place where nature's beauty thrives. Lush farms and charming fishing villages dot the land, offering stunning landscapes that seem to be lifted straight out of a painting.   And just off its southwest coast, the intriguing island of Effeti is home to the Fiit, a tribal group with roots tracing back to the Reign of the Rainbow Chiefs: UT 1115 - 802 and connections to Qildab. This addition to Dragonshead’s diverse cultural tapestry gives the province a touch of ancient mystery, reminding visitors of its deep, intertwined histories.

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