Chillwind Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 10K   RELIGION: The Old Tradition   ETHNIC GROUPS: Eˈddeimron   KEY SETTLEMENT: Screnooke   TOWNS: Cruckebroat   VILLAGES: Sheaval, Bellord, Wailinack, Oxder, Pickstall   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: COLMERHÆD - 6K / Finnu - 4K   CURRENCY: Fierthain Caligh
  Often referred to as the 'Edge of the World', Chillwind stands as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. This inhospitable, tundra-like nation, with a population of merely 10,000, is home to the Eˈddeimron, a Finnu-speaking ethnic group renowned for their incredible adaptation to harsh conditions.   Despite its isolation, Chillwind is dotted with several settlements. Screnooke serves as the key community, while smaller towns and villages such as Cruckebroat, Sheaval, Bellord, Wailinack, Oxder, and Pickstall pepper the stark landscape; aside from their geographic position, there is, to be frank, little to differentiate them. Chillwind's economy operates primarily on the Fierthain Caligh, with the worth of coinage based more on the metal's intrinsic value than its national origin.   The Eˈddeimron are known for their indomitable spirit and perseverance. They toil as skilled loggers in the expansive Fangbrush forest, and as fishermen braving the icy waters of the Istarung Sea. The long hours, hard work, and a solitary life that would break others, seem to invigorate them. Indeed, there is an inexplicable preference among the Eˈddeimron for their challenging lifestyle that astounds outsiders.   While their language and traditions align them with the Xūrtuū, an ethnic minority in neighboring Fierthain, the Eˈddeimron maintain their distinct identity. The kinship between these two cultures facilitates exchange and mutual understanding, vital given their critical roles in the economy of both nations.   The Eˈddeimron are spiritual people, and like much of Rajan adhere to The Old Tradition, a diverse and flexible faith incorporating a myriad of gods and goddesses. Their intense spiritual devotion often manifests in intricate carvings and artwork, often featuring symbolic representation of their deities.   Chillwind may be one of the most formidable places on earth, but the Eˈddeimron's unyielding spirit transform this icy wilderness into a vibrant, living community, a place where human cultural richness flourishes against all odds.

Crest of the Cyˈgiwra


Cover image: Viking Village by Vesturhorn


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