Fierthain Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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POPULATION: 150K   RELIGION: The Old Tradition   ETHNIC GROUPS: Hoˈfeina, Xūrtuū   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: COLMERHÆD - 100K / Finnu - 50K   CURRENCY: Caligh (0.8, S)   CAPITAL: Swistallach   CITIES: Callo Cro Sede   TOWNS: Phicting, Rocksottle, Kilocknin, Skiffox, Evensting, Sorreley   VILLAGES: Elrooth, Stight, Ruddlet, Quartherwhely, Dodginvele, Baylers, Eartunders, Nyleth, Harmonywood (Wood camps)   Notable Features: The Fangbrush (timber, surrounding woods camps)
  The nation of Fierthain, land of frost-tipped trees and hardy souls, presents a vivid tapestry of spirituality and intense richness in culture and character, owing to the cohabitation of its two main ethnic groups, the Hoˈfeina and the Xūrtuū.   Embossed on the face of the nation's currency, the Caligh, is a detailed depiction of a pine tree, a symbol of the nation's primary resource and a testament to the hard work of its people, particularly the Xūrtuū, who have largely shouldered the task of logging, and turned it into an art of survival. The Hoˈfeina, meanwhile, exercise control over Fierthain's administrative and economic structures. Relations between groups have typically been sanguine, but a subtle tension has struck up between them these days as the Hoˈfeina's wealth, connected to their development of new and more profitable trade routes, has risen, leading to increasing marginalization of the Xūrtuū minority.   Fierthain's snow-covered landscape is frequently broken by the warm glow of settlements: The capital, Swistallach bustles with the comings and goings of traders from the hinterlands and the other nations of Rajan, an important stop attracting merchants with its rare timber resources from the Fangbrush - a vast, verdant forest - and the unique, intricate crafts from the nimble hands of Hoˈfeina artisans.   Smaller towns like Phicting and Rocksottle, as well as villages such as Elrooth and Stight, scatter the landscape, each with its own story and unique local charm. Other settlements like Sorreley and Evensting provide the nation's common tongue, Colmerhæd, a melodic resonance that harmonizes with the whisper of the winds.   Callo Cro Sede, the primary Xūrtuū settlement, was established on the southern edges of the Fangbrush, not only as a practical means for them to access the logging camps, but due to their profound connection to the forest environment. The Xūrtuū regard the intricate woodwork they are famous for as a sacred art, a form of devotion to their forest gods. These crafts occasionally make their way into the hands of merchants and become cherished collectibles for distant connoisseurs, although their primary purpose is as holy offerings.   Ruling over this diversity is the Nydd Clan, unsuprisingly of Hoˈfeina descent. Their rule is marked by a fair hand and an open heart, ensuring the nation's prosperity is felt by as many as possible. The Nydd ensure that joy is an integral part of Fierthain, organising regular celebrations, vibrant with feasts, storytelling and dances that Hoˈfeina and Xūrtuū alike attend, thus maintaining a sense of unity in changing times.   From the story-filled nights around the fireplaces to the heartfelt carvings on Fangbrush timber, a cornerstone of Fierthain's camaraderie is the shared religious belief in The Old Tradition. While slight differences exist between Hoˈfeina and Xūrtuū interpretations, the essence in both cases remains the same— a deep reverence for nature and its divine architects. In this sense, the faith acts as a binding agent, patching up differences in the face of creeping inequality.

Crest of the Nydd, Priˈllad


Cover image: Lily Pond at dawn; W of Alamosa, CO by Lily Pond at dawn; W of Alamosa, CO by Lon&Queta


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