Aolling Geographic Location in TAHARJIN'S FLAME | World Anvil
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  RELIGION: The Old Tradition   ETHNIC GROUPS: Gwrü   LANGUAGES SPOKEN: COLMERHÆD, Aolling accent - 200K   CURRENCY: Findam (0.8, S)   CAPITAL: Scotheely   CITIES: Hurrangless   TOWNS: Andawning, Gilloops, Cacket, Conroedon, Rovestep, Behendow   VILLAGES: Creech, Haywhere, Hobbley, Derway, Conchow, Strablewest, Cudgerhaster, Cheshal
  The nation of Aolling, home to the resilient Gwrü people, is a vast tundra landscape where the chill in the air is as constant as the beating hearts of its inhabitants. Its capital, Scotheely, is a testament to the Gwrü's indomitable spirit, carved into the icy heartland with an air of rugged beauty.   Gwrü culture is an ode to survival, resourcefulness, and reverence for nature: They communicate using the rich and intricate Colmerhæd language, albeit with a distinctive regional accent that dances on the tongue like frost in the wind. This distinct lilt, while sometimes misunderstood in more urban areas like Cerlin, remains an integral part of Gwrü identity.   The Ayng, a time-honored lineage of rulers, preside over Aolling. Their history is rugged and enduring as the landscape they govern, a narrative of triumph against adversity etched into the annals of tradition. The Ayng are stern and unwavering when it comes to the principles of governance, yet their authority is imbued with a fairness that resonates deeply with their Gwrü subjects. They are not distant figures shrouded in regal mystery but instead entwined closely with the lives of their people; they share in common struggles, participate in hunting expeditions, and remain ever-present in the heart of their community's merry-making. Their jovial presence during the revelries, laughter echoing against the icy tundra, testifies to their innate resilience and unique blend of leadership and kinship. This intimate relationship with the Gwrü, coupled with their wise and equitable rule, has secured the Ayng's place here, fostering a sense of unity and mutual respect among the populace.   Armed with a profound knowledge of their harsh environment, the Gwrü are expert hunters and fishers. They bridle the sparse tundra, transforming its resources into sustenance, shelter, and surprisingly elaborate attire. Their clothing, spun from animal hides and furs, offers a canvas of intricate designs speaking volumes about both their dexterity and aesthetic appreciation.   The bond between the Gwrü and their Mieroy cousins in Gilmere is one woven of mutual respect. The two groups, both often considered "backwards" by their more urbanized compatriots, form a robust shield against the Gorog threat. The Gwrü, however, exude a certain gentility even amidst their rugged lifestyles, a trait that is especially evident during their interactions with the visiting Mieroy in Scotheely.   Their society thrives on camaraderie and, closely related, a shared love for beer, with the Scotheely Winterhaað brew holding a special place in their hearts. This dark, frothy delight is not just a popular local beverage, but one of Aolling's few exports, its distinct taste reminiscent of the tundra's biting chill and the warmth of a hearth fire.   A deep spirituality runs through the veins of the Gwrü culture. Adherents of The Old Tradition - Kəð Sisˈga, the Gwrü venerate a pantheon of gods and goddesses responsible for natural phenomena and the rhythm of seasons. However, their faith also includes an array of local spirits, echoing the Gwrü's close relationship with their land and adaptability in the face of stark wilderness.

Shield of the Ayng


Cover image: Hidden in the forest lies a spirited village by PeterThoeny


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