Dwarven Beard Traditions Tradition / Ritual in Taeva | World Anvil
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Dwarven Beard Traditions

Among the Dwarves of Taeva, the growth, styling, and maintenance of their beards is perhaps one of their oldest and most well known traditions. More so than any other race or culture, the Dwarves have many varied traditions tied to their facial hair, ranging from marital status, to social rank, to commemorating notable deeds, and everything in between. While many Dwarves (particularly those living among other peoples) have long since left these practices behind and adopted more varied facial hair styles, those among the nobility and the traditionalist continue to maintain these old practices.


While it's unknown when the traditions surrounding the Dwarves and their beards were first founded, it's generally acknowledged that these traditions have existed for at least as long as Dwarven society has. Originally starting with braids and simple ornaments, as Dwarven society became more advanced, the styling methods of their beards became more intricate, including finely crafted jewellery and iron ornaments. These traditions would continue to be upheld for the next several thousand years that followed the founding of Durfaehn, though increased interaction between the Dwarves and outside peoples would see a shift in attitudes towards these traditions. While those within the Dwarven heartland, especially those among the nobility and those with a great reverence for the old ways, still maintain these old practises, those who live further away consider these practises to be "old fashioned", taking up various other styles of facial hair instead (including clean shaven).


Whenever a significant event occurs in a Dwarfs life, their beard is styled in a way that reflects this event, often in the form of braids and accessories.

Components and tools

Among the various tools and items associated with the Dwarves beard traditions, the most well-known are the various accessories woven into their beards. Ranging from jewellery to iron rings of various shapes and sizes, each item serves as a marker of a significant event in the Dwarfs life.


The most common practitioners of these traditions are members of the Dwarven nobility (such as the Clan Lords and the High King), as well as the more traditionalist members of Dwarven society. In particular, the Mountain Dwarves and Deep Dwarves remain the most frequent practitioners of these traditions, as well as some of the older, more traditionalist families among the Valley Dwarves, though the City Dwarves have largely stopped following these practices.


Dwarves who still hold to these traditions first start observing them around the beginning of adulthood, when they've begun to make their own way in the world, as well as when their beard had grown out to a sufficient enough length, and continue for the rest of their lives.
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