Calamor Species in Tacillia | World Anvil


I am eternal
— the Kraken

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Calamors have six to ten tentacles. Two are used as arms, and two to hold small items. The rest are used to walk on hard surfaces. However, if you are able, all the tentacles can be used for physical activities. During swimming, all the tentacles are used to propel the calamors forward. The skin color of the calamors living within the empire is usually a mix of brown, ochre, beige, and cream. Deep calamors have the same primary colors, but they also have bright-colored patterns on their bodies. These patterns are unique to every deep calamor tribe. But because they have unique pigments in their skin, every calamor can change their colors to any other color, giving the calamors a functional camouflage ability. Their skin is a bit rubbery, protecting them against minor cuts to make swimming between corals and sharp rocks easier. Calamors mostly live in deep water where sunshine is rare or non-existent. To remedy this situation, the calamors evolved eyes that can see better in darkness.

Civilization and Culture


The calamors lived in tribal society for hundreds of years. They were the scourge of the seas, but their impact wasn't as heavy because they fought among themselves. Then came a warlord, and everything changed. One-by-one, he conquered all the other tribes. When no other tribe left and became the sole ruler of all calamor, he declared himself the Kraken and all the lands he ruled over the Calamor Empire.
The Kraken brought a golden age to the calamors. There wasn't any fighting among them, and they could concentrate on nothing else but growing and improving the empire. The Kraken built a solid and capable military that could repel any enemies. In science, everything is supported that improved the livelihood of the calamors or the army's might. Backed by science, new and improved methods were implemented in breeding domesticated animals and raising plants. Maybe the greatest accomplishment of the Kraken was creating a new social structure. It isn't a complete caste system. If someone has talent in an area, that calamor can rise in the hierarchy, but the lines were drawn, and the calamor became a rigid and easy-to-rule society.
And then came the Rending. Many calamors fled to trenches outside the empire while the empire crumbled.
In the aftermath of the Rending, the calamor realized they had gained new abilities. Their ruler became a monstrous being — an actual Kraken in both name and look. When everything settled, the calamors started to rebuild their empire. During the rebuild, they met their long-lost cousins, the deep calamors. After realizing they could breathe on land, too, the military began to draw up plans on how to conquer the lands around them.
by deKora
Related Ethnicities

Relationships with other species and nations:

  Cursed: If they can help the empire, all the best for them. If they can't, I don't care what they are capable of.
Dominion: Full of different species having completely different agendas. Like they don't have a common purpose. This can't stand, and we must fix that one way or another.
Lupian: Barbaric nation. They say they evolved, but I can't see that.
Qat: They hate swimming and can't dive. Why would I be afraid of them?
Skat'ra: I don't like bugs. But they are fierce fighters and numerous. We have to tread lightly with them.
Valturo: They are our allies. We don't have similar goals, but we respect each other.
I lived only for a short period among the calamors. Like every land dweller who visits the Calamor Empire, I had to use their breathers to be able to breathe underwater. Unfortunately, this equipment must be filled with air regularly, so a long trip within the Empire’s borders requires many of these breathers, and I didn’t have the funds. I had to stay close to those places where the calamors refill the breathers.
During my stay within the Empire, I met a lot of calamors. Because of their permeable cast hierarchy, they always strive to be better in anything, providing better living conditions for themselves and their families and serving the Empire to the best of their abilities. I found it strange that everyone supports others to improve, elevate, and enhance themselves. Nobody is jealous if someone gets promoted to a higher cast. They accept that the other person will be a better candidate to advance the Empire further.
This is a dangerous mindset for everybody else living on Tacillia because the calamors saw themselves as better than everybody and the future rulers of the planet. Their dedication might be able to achieve this goal, and as I can see it, only a unified and powerful alliance will be capable of holding them at bay.
— excerpt from Ignosh Fargaze's journeybooks

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