Deep calamor Ethnicity in Tacillia | World Anvil

Deep calamor

During The Rending, before the Savior Gods began protecting Tacillia, many deep trenches opened on the seafloor. Several calamor tribes who lived on the outskirts of the empire ventured into these trenches. They were lost to their seabed kin. Not long ago, the Calamor Empire started to expand its borders again, and their wanderers found these trenches too. When they descended, they met their long-lost cousins, whom they named deep calamor.
The centuries of separation changed the tribes. Although they are still calamor, they descended into barbarism, and the time spent in the trenches changed their physiology so much that now they are unable to rise to seabed level without suffering severe injuries.
After a while, their physiology transformed to live in the deep. The different tribes in the various trenches gradually differentiated. They all kept their generic look, but the base coloring pattern of each tribe varied significantly. Now the calamor scholars are listing 27 smaller, bigger deep calamor tribes, but as the empire grows, they are finding tribes within trenches continuously. The other distinctive physiological feature they have, which completely surprised the scholars, is that they are unaffected by The Curse. Not one calamor from all the tribes in all the trenches suffers from it.
The other aspect that changed in every tribe was the language. And because of the separation of the tribes, the language of each tribe is different. Calamor scholars are currently working on mapping which tribe was in contact with other tribes and for how long. It is a tedious job, and not all the tribes are helpful in the undertaking.
Recently a huge discovery was made by the menders. The deep calamors are brought up from the trenches never seen animals and plants. Much to the delight of the scholars. But the menders found a plant that somehow blocks the effects of The Curse. They named it Curse lifter. Finding this plant doubled the effort to know more about the deep calamor and get as many curse lifters as possible from them.
Deep calamors are also known for their fine potteries. These potteries are made in the deep, under pressure within the lava flows in the trenches. Because of this, they are incredibly durable, and it is a highly sought product used everywhere on the nearby continent.
We must help our kin, the deep calamor
— Vaeltaash Baal, calamor scholar
Encompassed species


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