The Lord Of The Senses Character in Ta Mando ~~ The World Of Kanda | World Anvil

The Lord Of The Senses

(a.k.a. The Lord Of Spice)

In Ta Fanus Hyanus (The Stopping Gap) things have grown considerably more feudalistic and eccentric than much of Kanda, having started using titles like "Lord" and nobles resorting to hiding their names; instead going by the many eccentric titles of Ta Hyanus. (The Gap) While they retain every bit as much of the militaristic demeanor of the core, the people of Ta Fanus Hyanus have been unable to help themselves in drifting toward decadence and secrecy; having been so close to The Spirit Islanders and so far away from their fellow Kandia for so long that they have been forced to adapt by circumstance over the centuries.   Therefor, there is one Longar of Ta Fanus Hyanus but beneath him sit four "Lords;" each with a specialty that they style themselves after and altogether holding most of the power in Ta Hyanus EVEN AS The Longar sits comfortably in his island fortress and takes regular trips back to The Core to enjoy the finery and politics of the capital.
There is The Lord Of Flesh: Concerned with the slave trade and the very many attractive human bodies that pour out from the islands every year to travel to the Core to peddle their wares of pleasure and entertainment.
There is The Lord Of Wood: Coastal trader sending ships to the islands to return the aromatic hardwoods that only grow there, always seeking to take advantage of the lumber inland but never allowed by the latter two lords.
There is The Lord Of Soil; Mineral Specialist and jolly sort of fellow who has invented his own new method of deep mining; jealously guarding his techniques with story and subterfuge, all the while hiding untold riches beneath his very feet.   And, Finally, There Is The Lord Of The Senses!
Obsessed with sustainability and the native population's customs and culture, this towering hulk of a man is one of the most rigid but also most honorable of The Four Great Lords Of Ta Fanus Hyanus!

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

An almost comically large man, The Lord Of The Senses stands over a foot taller than the average Kandia man; broad and towering over nearly everyone under his command, possibly even the tallest that any Kandia will EVER see under "normal" circumstances, unsmiling and intimidating unless in the presence of loving animals.
With impressive musculature and a torso that can only be described as a "shaped barrel," his only somewhat scarred body is like a bronze statue come to life; lustrous and healthy, pulsing with the strength of a well trained physique hardened from decades of service to Kanda.
Almost impossibly agile, especially when considering his domineering size, the Lord Of Spice is known for his ease of movement, acrobatic prowess and brachiating skill; known to climb great jungle trees and sheer surfaces with little difficulty even when weighed down by his armor and gear!

Body Features

If there's anything that stands out about The Lord Of Spice at first glance it's his size. Standing over six and a half feet tall with a barrel chest, arms as thick as legs and legs like tree trunks, The Lord Of The Senses is an imposing sort that easily commands respect when he enters a room. Always walking with perfect posture and a sort of aura of authority, he appears perpetually to move with a purpose; never going anywhere slowly or casually but rather staying straight backed with his chest out and moving quickly by foot to whatever destination desires his presence.   Torso like a "Shaped Barrel," The Lord Of The Senses is nearly twice as wide as the average man in the chest, requiring special armor to contain his intense bulk.
Despite this hugeness, The Lord Of Spice is not a clumsy man, always moving with grace and perfect awareness of his surroundings; never tripping or faltering in his step even in moments of danger.   Without the benefit of clothing The Public Figure is an impressive man rippling with muscle, dotted with many small scars throughout; a knife wound from early in his career, a close call with a bandit during the middle of his military career, an arrow scar from an assassin he never located and the poison never took, perhaps a run-in with a she-bear on one of his rare trips to The Core on invitation to join a friend on a hunt. These sort of vague but satisfactory explanations are common to those who get to see such battle scars but he is never specific and does not respond to any prying or querying. As it is, any of these could be the same as any other noble or made up entirely. Regardless, the man DOES still hold the scars.

Facial Features

Possessing a strong chin and nose, wide jawline and striking mint green eyes, The Lord Of The Senses has a face easily spotted in a crowd!
A faded scar runs along the length of his lower jaw but it is often covered by a short, rough stubble of a beard that the Lord claims to seldom have time to tend to more than trimming it close to his face. Seldom longer than a quarter of an inch, the beard often makes the man look rugged and mature, though not at all old.   His mint green eyes are deep and wise but also unrelenting; having seen so much before and having no desire to ever close again for any reason. They are the eyes of a man who spits defiantly in the face of such things as fatigue or relaxation; equal parts fascinated and paranoid, unendingly ready and aware, constantly scanning and ever narrowed in skepticism.   Unlike most in Kanda, The Lord Of The Senses has PERFECT Teeth!
Neither particularly long nor short, perfectly straight and well aligned with prominent canines; all of The Lord's teeth are perfectly white and free of rot while his gums are healthy and pink and do not cover more than half of any given tooth. His few guests regularly claim that his breath is fresh even after eating heavily fermented foods or drinking thick alcohol. Most believe that The Lord Of Spice uses special magic to keep his teeth perfectly clean and breath perfectly fresh but he has never humored the topic even when directly queried.

Special abilities

The Ability to freely brachiate like a jungle ape is something that The Lord Of The Senses has been readily shown and he makes a regular habit of utilizing such methods of transport whenever he is not weighed down by armor and escorted by all manner of guards. He even has a special gymnasium on his Estate specifically for practicing this unique skill that he has cultivated over many years of observing monkeys and apes in the wilderness of Ta Fanus Hyanus.   It is thought that his strange, minty eyes allow The Lord Of Spice to see perfectly in the dark and even things that normal eyes cannot see. Certainly, in situations of pure darkness, nobody has ever recalled him functioning any less capably and The Lord Of The Senses has long been known to prefer night combat over daytime combat; insisting that the advantage belongs to the attacker in the cover of darkness unless the defender can see as good as they can. He's always implied that he has some edge in the darkness that others simply do not share.   While perhaps not outright superhuman, The Lord Of The Senses has shown himself to be surprisingly enduring against all manner of damage in the past; falling great distances from trees and lookout posts, having suffered many injuries in battle and still fought on, growing immune to several different types of jungle venom and poison through gradual exposure, surviving many attacks on his own life both before and after taking up the title he holds today. One time he was even blatantly thrown off a cliff and survived to walk the very next day. While perhaps not bladeproof, his skin is thick and his bones are dense and tough, allowing him to sometimes shrug off wounds that would cripple lesser men. He doesn't even seem to bleed as fast as most people when and he stops bleeding much faster. While he does have scars, most are faded and he claims that many more have faded from his body completely.
Perhaps most importantly, these are merely feats that are publicly known of him; those that many dozens of people were around to witness. However, The full extent of The Lord Of Spice's ability to soak up trauma is probably only known by himself.

Apparel & Accessories

The Lord Of Spice carries numerous trinkets about his person most of the time, almost all of which are native in make; fetishes, amulets, baubles and pouches full of strange herbs, bags of unidentified animal bones, various knots woven from various foreign materials, tiny shell chains and strips of bark, native seed pods and tiny native dolls made out of animal fur, twigs and the hide of small animals.   While most of these are completely nonmagical in nature, they're still all specifically representative of some message or another that he has long since learned from the natives. Some tell the Pro Simian people that he is seeking to trade; one thing or another depending on what they see of his trinkets. Some of the baubles he carries tell the natives that he means no harm and does not desire fighting. At least a few small fetishes mark him as a being allowed to wander various places in the jungle alone without being blow-darted. A RARE few mark him with honored positions given to him by very small villages he has assisted or most regularly trades with. While other Kandia from outside of The Dogla may look at him strangely for this habit of carrying about Daroba symbols HE understands the importance of maintaining good relations with the natives and thus playing their game some of the time!
All of these strange things are carried on and integrated into a tribal style of thick, loose rope constructed out of strips of a special bark that marks him as an "Educated Colonizer;" Someone the Pro Simians regard as both safe and beneficial, and are thus given the knowledge of what trees to harvest from and how to fashion a the special rope that marks his title. This allows him to wander in RELATIVE peace through the jungles as long as he stays where his tokens and baubles state he may.   Each and every one of these strange native tokens also represent an interaction with the locals that he has learned from and thus mark his long history of successful dealings with the Pro Simian Confederacy and its forebears. That much, at least, is respected by his fellow Kandia. Most do not even know what they are for but The Lord Of Spice can tell any man at any time what each and every one of the strange things he carries is meant to represent. When in a perilous situation but not requiring these marks and titles he normally leaves them in a small chest personally made to hold them.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Demisexual; Though Kanda Does Not Have A Well Known Concept For This


The Lord Of Spice's capacity with numbers and long term thinking seems to indicate that he was well trained and highly interested in the prospect of higher learning in his youth. He often practices skills and reads into subjects most feel he shouldn't bother himself with and specifically values language and long term, infrastructural investments; interests most experts feel must be trained into someone. Furthermore, as if he is fully aware of exactly how much he has benefitted from it and due to the specialties required to run his business and titles, he stresses the cultivation of intelligence and education in The Doglar Of The Senses.
All young children born and raised in The Doglar are taught to read and write, perform basic math and identify either plants or animals through a provincial tutor system developed by The Lord Of The Senses himself. Older boys are run through comprehensive military education and all of its trappings while older girls are enrolled in state subsidized educations to teach them weaving, cooking, gardening, crafts, poetry and art.   Regardless of his OWN Education, it is abundantly clear to all those who visit the Dogla that The Lord Of Spice values it above everything but his own bottom line.


The Lord Of The Senses is obviously the Doglar of The Dogla Of The Senses; southwest Dogla of Ta Fanus Hyanus.
As Such he receives no necessary wage from the government but IS allowed to make his own profits from the territory that he holds sway over... provided, of course, that he pays his proper taxes.
To profit from the land The Lord Of Spice most often does trade with the natives of the nearby jungles; giving away simple wares and certain specialty goods for the bounties of the forest, which are then sent back to the Kandia Core in all manner of forms for all manner of wealth!   It is said that The Lord Of The Senses was formerly a Military Scout of the highest order but, if this is so, there are no public records that track to him.
Even so, it may bear out as the most realistic of origins considering that the man has been known to journey to native meeting grounds to trade with them personally, sometimes even venturing alone deep into the jungles of Ta Hyanus for several days at a time.
He's extremely keen in wilderness scenarios and seems perfectly in tune with all of the plant life he finds; often knowing exactly what everything around him is and what it's able to be used for with just a passing glance.

Accomplishments & Achievements

While most of his Military Accomplishments and life accomplishments are not known by the public what is well known is that The Lord Of The Senses, while not an accomplished linguist, is the only man alive that has successfully compiled a comprehensive guide to the new Pro Simian Confederate Language.
He and he alone seems to understand the gigantic cultural shift that has occurred in the last five years while the rest of the Lords of Ta Fanus Hyanus continue on with their personal agendas.
Worried that Kanda may well be overlooking an important point of development in this culture, from Daroba to Early Civilized, The Lord Of The Senses has taken much time and energy to ensure that the communications with the Pro Simians only improve and grow more regular. In time he hopes to invite them to send an emissary to the Kandia Core so that they might establish their position to Ta Thinal as a Budding Civilized Culture!     Because of this desire and having noticed such momentous things, The Lord Of Spice has ventured more and more into the local wilderness recently and has established dozens of new meeting spaces within which to do trade with the natives. Because of the heightened commerce (which is regarded by the Kandia to be ideal!) The Dogla Of The Senses pulls in more domestic goods by itself to trade to the natives than the rest of Ta Fanus Hyanus combined; No Small Feat!

Failures & Embarrassments

Due to the nature of the Lords Of The Gap, nobody knows or at least nobody talks about The Lord Of The Senses' failures and embarrassments. Therefore it isn't well known exactly what his loss score is but his attitude toward life and potential dangers would imply that he is no stranger to failure.

Mental Trauma

If Anything Keeps The Lord Of Spice Awake At Night It Is Not Known And He Does Not Share It.

Intellectual Characteristics

An extremely intelligent and paranoid individual, The Lord Of Spice is said to be extremely perceptive and to enjoy reading and practicing in mathematics. With a keen mind for the more forceful aspects of social interaction but also a serious sense of self discipline, The Lord Of The Senses is like a keen game master in diplomatic affairs; ensuring that all parties walk away with a lasting feeling that they got the best out of it.   Those who talk to The Lord Of The Senses find that, though he has never possessed The Gift, he is fond of magic and knows many utilitarian spells and abilities to help him with his day to day affairs. He strongly enjoys the feel of magic and the advantage it can give to the average person.
Eager to possess such advantages, The Lord Of The Senses is said to spend long hours leaning over dusty old codices, sometimes falling asleep on them in the search for knowledge.   While certainly a gruff seeming, serious sort, The Lord Of Spice is extremely thoughtful; constantly trying to put himself in the shoes of others so as to figure solutions to deep socio-political problems. He also insists that education be one of the main staples of his Dogla; that it be of the highest value.
Foraging and hunting require special educations and he is loathe to let that sort of skill set fall into disuse.

Morality & Philosophy

Of the few things that are made public about The Lord Of Spice, his morals and philosophy are something he often speaks of to bolster the ideology of his men!
Like many proud officials of Kanda his Philosophies revolve around being a good and forthright soldier. While older and somewhat jaded he still follows many of the foundational structures of etiquette that stand as the ideal behavior of a Kandia Soldier! (See Carcinomus!)   More than anything, honesty is stressed over all other things in his Dogla. To be honest and true and just is most important because the very existence of The Dogla relies on the presence and continuation of good trade with the natives; incredibly discerning people who value cooperation and goodwill. If someone is willing to lie to The Lord Of The Senses it implies that they are willing to let everything he and all his forebears have constructed fall to dust; it means that they are willing to endanger everything for a possibly tiny secret.
One may omit all manner of things, as is the nature of Ta Fanus Hyanus. The Lord Of Spice is not stupid enough to think that intrigue will run dry... however, LYING cannot be tolerated and the very presence of poorly swung lies will surely endanger everyone.   Mutual Benefit And Equity is extremely important to The Lord Of The Senses; who claims that the entire Dogla exists only due to Mutually beneficial trade with the natives. Rather than try to pull the wool over their eyes, The Lord Of Spice insists that trade partners will be MOST generous when it is abundantly clear that they are benefiting just as highly as those they are dealing with. By and large this has proven incredibly profitable for him and, despite his rough demeanor, has labeled him as the most amiable trader of the Lords Of The Gap.


Conflict Of Any Sort With The Natives Is Strictly Taboo!!!
The Lord Of The Senses will not have any conflict with the natives, insisting that the present status quo is the result of four generations of his family personally dealing with the natives in mutually beneficial transactions of "Material For Material!"
Furthermore, as the importance of apes in the native culture is obvious enough, (Though obviously no Kandia knows the fullness of it!) the hunting of monkeys and apes is strictly forbidden by The Lord Of Spice throughout the entirety of his territory.
Their business is not to hunt but to trade! The Kandia have lived on the shores in the shadow of the forest for generations, doing wondrous trade and giving the locals WHATEVER they ask for (within reason) in exchange for the Jungle's Intense Exotic Bounty! Those who follow his rule of peace with the natives find themselves QUICKLY becoming rich beyond their wildest intentions! Those who refuse to heed his warnings may well find themselves put to death for the safety of the Dogla as a whole...
To Attack The Lord Of Spice's Livelihood Is To Attack The Economic Bounty Of Kanda!
THAT IS TREASON!   Interacting Openly With The Spirit Islanders Is A Hard No!
The Lord Of The Senses does not and has not ever trusted the Spirit Islanders. The Only interaction that he has with their land is a dedicated force of smugglers who can find themselves to the islands under cover so as to return with the few delights that do not grow on the continent, namely the deliciously cinnamon scented Mia Grass; known for boiling down into an intense psychoactive substance that Enthiria in The Core prefer for some of their more intense vision sessions!
The appearance of the Counter Of The Earth and her companion order of high level Mysteria has brought this paranoia to an all time high; having lost his best smuggler to seduction and possession by the islander hierarchy, potentially requiring The Lord Of The Senses to find new routes and set up new smuggling methods.   As with all Lords Of Ta Fanus Hyanus, it is forbidden to speak the name of The Lord Of The Senses EVEN IF You are aware of it. The only people who refer to the lords by their names and know their more personal lives are their personal families, which The Lord Of Spice has not. Even his (former) best friend refused to speak his name after turning to the side of The Spirit Isles.   Lying To The Lord Of The Senses Is Ill Advised!
It isn't that lying, for whatever reason, is illegal or that you are not allowed to have your own life. Quite the contrary! Ta Fanus Hyanus, if anything, is a bit more decadent than it has any reason to be and stuck in personal trappings the likes of which much of Kanda has no reason to hold. Intrigue is high and everyone from the lowest slave to the Lord Of Spice himself holds secrets!
However, you cannot keep ANYTHING from The Lord Of The Senses for long!
It's in his very name!
An exceedingly paranoid man, if you THINK you have a secret The Lord Of Spice has already suspected it. Exceedingly perceptive in day to day affairs, he takes notes of everything he sees that is even marginally out of the ordinary. Otherwise regular interactions are, in point of fact, deeply detailed private interrogations that the subjects generally have no idea are happening. Only the best slip by his suspicions and The Lord Of The Senses makes it very clear to EVERYONE who serves him that, to him, lying and telling the truth can and WILL be the difference between life and death!
"The Stakes, You Will Learn And Understand, Are Simply Too High In Ta Fanus Hyanus!"

Personality Characteristics


While his deeper personal motivations may always remain a mystery to the common folk it SEEMS like his public agenda is personal profit for all involved parties!   EVERYONE In The Dogla Of The Senses is well raised, educated, trained and paid to produce goods that can be procured nowhere else in The Empire. From special, secluded garden plots where exotic Spirit Island plants are delicately cultivated to magical conduits powering small scale heating elements to keep warm rudimentary greenhouses covered in glass or selenite bought from The Lord Of Soil, from advanced groups of elite foragers to extremely tense negotiation teams on constant standby to deal with the natives, everyone under The Lord Of Spice has the same goal; the continued existence and enrichment of the Dogla's status quo!
Money And Security!
Unity Of Purpose!   To the Lord Of The Senses, what is most important is that things in his Dogla go smoothly and that the natives are constantly appeased and communicate frequently so as to continue beneficial trade and fuel the Dogla's health; both economic and environmental, as both are keenly interconnected!
He, of course, has pet projects and dreams and desires but he does not make them public and, whatever they would be, they would involve the enrichment of the land and people under his command.
"Anyone May Be Ultimately Rendered Powerless By The Taint Of Hunger, Thirst, Fatigue, Boredom, Disorder And Ignorance. Any Of These Alone Threatens One's Productivity And Therefor Restricts The Status Quo. A Single Man, Woman Or Child, Alone And Out Of Place, Could Then Endanger Us All Simply Through Carelessness."

Likes & Dislikes

The Lord Of The Senses Likes:
Dogs - "The Noblest Of Beasts!"
The Open Sea
Properly Running Machines
The Pro Simian Confederacy And Its People
Natural Settings (Especially Forests And Jungles)
Roxanne Flagrare: The Counter Of The Earth
Trade & Economy   The Lord Of Spice Dislikes:
The Spirit Islanders - "Deceitful And Dishonorable Savages!"
The Lord Of Wood - "He Would Strip The Entire Continent If He Could And Damn The Rest Of Us..."
The Lord Of Flesh - -Spits- "Taken Entirely By The Spirit Island Daroba, I'm Told His Court Is Full Of Them..."
Unsustainable Consumerism
Deserts And "Flatlands"

Virtues & Personality perks

Clearly having extensive experience with other cultures, The Lord Of The Senses seems to be a cosmopolitan individual who more easily recognizes the positive notes of other societies than the average Kandia.
He is always inclined to give Daroba the benefit of the doubt (With exception to the Spirit Islanders) and prefers to speak to them in their own language whenever possible so as to better facilitate diplomacy and trade as well as generate foreign goodwill.   Importantly, The Lord Of The Senses is very concerned with deals being equal and even between all parties. Everyone must be satisfied with the transaction or there can be no continued business and such a fate would be the end of economic cooperation... which The Lord Of Spice cannot accept, of course!


The Lord Of The Senses stands apart from the standard Kandia in that he does not seem to care overly much about fastidious hygiene. Certainly he bathes every day when he gets the chance but he is not held back by a lack of good hygiene, nor does he allow it to effect his performance. Indeed The Lord Of Spice seldom seems to notice the mess after he's been splattered with ichor, walked through gelatinous bogs, thrown himself through slimy tide pools, been showered with little spiders or had monkey poop thrown at him.
He lives a far more rugged life than that and is more than capable of ignoring a bit of disgusting grue if it means that he'll be able to finish the mission, garner peace with another isolated tribe or find a way to enrich his people.   Perhaps more importantly, he considers it essential that any and all men that serve him be able to endure the same sort of toil and defilement if they expect to last in Ta Fanus Hyanus.
The Gap is a hot, sweaty, buggy, rainy, disease ridden wilderness of weird wonders and disgusting dangers the likes of which NO Squeamish person should visit and, if you happen to be one such person, he'll gladly write up the parchmentwork to transfer you back to The Core and replace you with someone more reliable and less averse to messy work.
There is no room for fussy foragers in his ranks!


Contacts & Relations

While The Lord Of The Senses has had a long life, little is known about who he may be able to call upon.
However, it is known that, if he so calls, at least two will answer if they can.   Meningitis Soterrion Of Longo Soterri stopped in Ta Fanus Hyanus on his way down to the titular colony three years ago in Early 1630. During that time the two grew close and The Lord Of The Senses gifted a female Rock Python to Meningitis as a pet, which the aging Mysterios has since made into his primary familiar.
If The Lord Of Spice truly needed to, he could reach out through the snake and contact Meningitis to plea for help, which the Mysterios would doubtless answer.   Perhaps more importantly, The Lord Of The Senses has already thrown down his lot with Roxanne Flagrare: The Counter Of The Earth; overturning huge sections of his life and the organization of his Dogla to ensure not only that she accepts him but specifically desires his company. While his feelings toward her are more based in fear and uncertainty, however, The Great Counter has stated to him that he is well accepted in her eyes and she will help him try to make sure that all in Ta Fanus Hyanus are well taken care of.

Family Ties

All that is known of The Lord Of The Senses is that he is the last of his family's dynasty.
Having lost his parents at some unknown time to some unknown cause, The Lord Of Spice has done all he can to make The Dogla Of The Senses strong and unified despite having no wife, no siblings, no parents and no children to call his own.   Still, at some point, he will HAVE to produce an heir and the only way to that is to AT LEAST take on a Concubine.

Social Aptitude

To Call The Lord Of The Senses "A Bit Stiff" Would Be An Understatement.
While certainly loving of animals, natural settings and the more relaxing features of life The Lord Of Spice is an extremely gruff, loud and forward individual in conversation. He approaches almost every setting within Kanda Borders with open dominance and authority. He understands the importance of his position and utilizes an extremely forward social persona when speaking to fellow Kandia unless he well and truly KNOWS that he is firmly outranked. Despite only being a Doglar, he is well known for cowing the direct envoys of Longaria and even dominating dealings with his superiors directly.
When not outright dominant to those he feels he can overpower in conversation, The Lord Of The Senses is an overwhelmingly well mannered individual; gruff and austere but also quiet and inclined to wait his fair turn in conversation or even until he is referred to directly.   Regardless of the setting, however, The Lord Of The Senses tends to be extremely enthusiastic to talk about forests and the nature of animals and the wilderness; revealing more in every conversation his obvious history as a Kandia scout somewhere in his past.
He is capable of talking for hours with great excitement about the ants and the birds and the apes of the Jungles; how they work, how they interact with other animals, how to treat them and what they like to eat best!
He shows similar enthusiasm in his attachment to canines in all of their forms, often stopping what he is doing (so long as it isn't crucial) to pet any dog that crosses his path.

Hobbies & Pets

The Lord Of The Senses is known to have a vast, well stocked and strictly maintained Menagerie of exotic animals from all over the known world; some of which he readily breeds and experiments with toward domestication. While he is particularly well known for loving apes and monkeys, he has none in his stores and doesn't plan to get any, as he is aware of how the Pro Simian people are extremely enamored of monkeys and apes, though not yet understanding that said apes are ALSO Pro Simian People.
That being said, he has many dogs, some cats, dozens of snakes, hundreds of birds and countless strange jungle animals that he does his best to have given only the finest care.   The Lord Of Spice has even designed a vast net structure in his section of the waters of Ta Fanus Hyanus; dedicated to capturing wild fish and breeding them in something like captivity. The people throw what food garbage they cannot use into communal vats, which are then emptied daily into these net farms to feed the livestock. While these are not necessarily pets, The Lord Of Spice still takes considerable pride in his designs and how successfully they have maintained a breeding fish population for his subjects to enjoy.



Friend (Trivial)

Towards The Lord Of The Senses



The Lord Of The Senses

Friend (Important)

Towards Meningitis



Wealth & Financial state

It's entirely possible that The Lord Of The Senses may be one of the most consistently wealthy of the Four Lords Of Ta Hyanus.
While most of his most standard goods like preserves, dried exotic meats and home grown produce may not individually ship out for much, they are the most consistently obtained products from the whole of the Longar!
While forests must be allowed to regrow on the distant Spirit Isles, new mineral veins must be discovered in the deep underground and new slaves allowed to come to term back on their island homes, the Jungles Of Ta Hyanus are constantly full of delicious goods and allow daily harvests for more mouths than the jungle possibly holds. This ensures that, even if they don't return with terribly valuable goods, no trader need visit The Dogla Of The Senses and worry for something to fill their holds. Even if there are no Slaves of appropriate age from the Lord of Flesh, no valuable timbers from The Lord Of Wood and The Lord Of Soil has suddenly stopped pulling valuable silver and gold from the ground... The Lord Of Spice will ALWAYS have stock to fill any merchant's cargo ship.
Naturally this sort of consistency also brings many good business partners to The Lord Of The Senses before the other Lords.   More importantly...!
The Lord Of The Senses is also called The Lord Of Spice for a reason, even by his own people!
The jungles of Ta Fanus Hyanus are full of strange spices, herbs and other such aromatics that are extremely desired and expensive back in The Core of Kanda! Unable to be grown or sometimes even found elsewhere, The Lord Of Spice and his predecessors have retained a monopoly on over 90% of the tropical herbs and spices that grow in The Gap; Maintaining knowledge of these resources and the rather specific and sometimes delicate ways of harvesting them sustainably through regional education and training programs alone.
Having cultivated an intense regional tradition of community self sufficiency and collectivist service toward the status quo, The Lord Of Spice has made much of his wealth off of keeping his common folk educated and productive in the business of spice farming and sustainable foraging. While certainly not as common as The Lord Of the Senses' many fruit and vegetable preserves exports, every pound of these near unheard of substances can pay more than an entire hold of Dried Hippo Strips!
To make sure that things never go dry in his Dogla, however, The Lord Of the Senses often parcels out his spice shipments sparingly to ensure the numbers in his books look smooth and easy going.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Kandia Titles:
Doglar Of Kanda
Doglar Of The Dogla Of The Senses
The Lord Of The Senses
The Lord Of Spice
Trade Master Of Kanda
Ta Divania Nasis (The Divine Nose)    Pro Simian Titles:
Educated Colonizer
Esteemed Foreign Trader
Protected Walker In Msitu Wa Furaha (The Forest Of Happiness)
LOOKS To Be In His Mid-Late 30's
Current Residence
The Dogla Of The Senses
Mint Green, Striking, Almond Shaped
Cut Just Below The Ears, No Bangs, Thick, Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deepest Bronze, Lustrous, Well Muscled And Scarred In Some Places
6' 8" (203.2 cm)
323 lbs (146.51 kg)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"How Many Slaves Do We Have In The Dogla? FREE THEM ALL! I Want Them Set To Receive Their Deeds And Hats Before The Week's End! If The Counter Of The Earth Desires To See No Slaves In The Land She Oversees It Is Because She Understands Better Than Any Of Us The Profit That Lies Down That Path!

~~ The Lord Of The Senses Upon Return From Roxanne's Island.
Known Languages
Pro Simian
Many Monke Federation Languages
Spirit Islander Daroba
Marcado Speak
Fanus Sign Language
Central Continental Field Mark


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