Ascendant Leader Character in Synthacrosia | World Anvil

Ascendant Leader

Cult Leader Neimus

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Neimus is an old soul of Synthacrosia, having appeared in the tower a few years after the records were wiped. He was one of the few that kept searching and exploring, instead of settling into a routine of simply existing. He re-discovered tower schematics, and learned of travel between floors. He created a religion around this idea, and converted hopefuls into his followers, under the doctrine of ascension.


Neimus was homeschooled during his life, in a remote village raised by superstitious parents.


Neimus is unemployed, but he does lead his brothers and sisters in worshipping ascension.

Failures & Embarrassments

Brought to his knees in great sadness by Tiddles the Partizan, sobbed and sobbed and sobbed and was unable to act. He was tied up and relieved of his possessions.

Mental Trauma

Suffers PTSD related to bards. Tears up around music.

Intellectual Characteristics

Cunning and manipulative, smooth talking and charismatic.

Morality & Philosophy

It's either us or them. Those who are with Neimus are friends and family. Those who are against are seen as little more than cattle, to be used to serve Neimus's own ends.

Personality Characteristics


Desires nothing more than to ascend the tower


Religious Views

Worships ascending the stairs

Social Aptitude

Extremely confident and charismatic, often able to change peoples views.

Wealth & Financial state

Used to have a large amount of soul coins. However, Neimus lost all those when he and his followers failed to stop the party of heroes.
True Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
1007 AcA 993 Years old
Current Residence
The North Eastern Stair
Pure white, emotionless
short, black, kept cropped behind his hood and mask
5' 8"
130 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Look, children, more hopefuls have arrived! Let us welcome them!”   “One is one, and one requires two -- if you wish to join, you must kill two. Only those who shed their previous morals and beliefs can truly ascend”   “Well, that is fair. Our family is not for everyone. However, our family needs souls all the same, and I’m afraid you will not be allowed to leave”   "Oh gods I'm sorry"
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Stormbril
Character Portrait image: Forgotten Pharoh Cultist by BryanSyme


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