C-Giant Character in Supes, Suits and Boots | World Anvil


Dominique Lyles (a.k.a. Dom)

  • Classification: Supe
  • Alignment: Villain
  • Origin: His powers activated when he was getting jumped in the gang. Which made him even more dedicated to it.

Physical Description

Special abilities

  • Damage Absorption - Any damage he takes he absorbs which makes him taller, stronger, and more durable.
  • Super Strength
  • Size Altering Power - When he takes damage he grows, but when he fights back he shrinks.
  • Durability

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dom's family were largely supporters of the law enforcement back in the 60's. Which Dom's grandmother was apart of as a detective. She was a by the book cop with a good heart who cared about her community. That was until she was asked by the higher ups to infiltrate the Black Panthers. Which she wanted no part of but her job was on the line, so she did.

But when she went undercover she largely agreed with what they were doing. When she reported that they were doing nothing wrong, they asked her to plant evidence and she refused. When the local leaders were killed in a raid, and she was implicated in various false crimes and jailed. Her family became heavily resistant towards the government and police, when the Black Panther chapter was ended in their city and the gangs popped up they joined up. Dom's family didn't know in what direction the gangs would go, but they had no problem when they fought against the police.

With many members of his family already apart of the Raymond Row Crips, located on the westside of Ricochet City, he decided to join himself. When he was being jumped in all the people attacking him and his nervousness activated his Nola Gene. Each blow made him taller and stronger and when hit back he got shorter and weaker. He saw this event as a sign joining was the right thing to do, and he became a full fledged member. Alongside the rest of the gang activities, he would regularly fight against Hen Dog who was apart of their main rivals.




Towards Hen Dog


Hen Dog


Towards C-Giant


Current Location
Date of Birth
March 4th
Year of Birth
1994 26 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation