Muammar el-Saadeh Character in Sundered Lands | World Anvil

Muammar el-Saadeh

Muammar el-Saadeh is the owner of the Specialty Services Brokerage in Ka-Tepi. Tall and slim, he has a thoughtful face with a high forehead, and unsettling blue-grey eyes that are so pale they appear almost white, with only the pupils visible at a distance. He stares directly at the people he is speaking to while thinking, and his entire face goes immobile and distant, as if one is staring at a corpse. He is not above using the unnerving effect deliberately while negotiating, especially with people he does not like or trust. His deep voice rarely rises above a murmur and he is often so still that he seems to blend into the background, as patient as a hunting cat.    Muammar's dark skin is offset against the finely-woven pale grey linen robes he wears, and his hands often disappear within the voluminous sleeves. He wears a number of large rings which glitter in the light, but very few know they are actually poisoner's rings. Each contains a different poison; one snaps out a fine needle coated in a swift-acting deadly poison when pressed in a certain way, while others contain doses of liquids or powders with different effects. One will make a victim suggestible after placing them in a semi-hypnotic state, while another is a truth potion which lowers inhibitions and a third will make the recipient forgetful and cause confusion and memory loss from about an hour before the poison is ingested to several hours later, leaving the victim with a hangover as if drunk. The last is another poison, suitable for adding to a drink instead of administering via needle, which is much slower-acting and will lull the victim into a sleep from which they will never wake, appearing to suffocate in their sleep. el-Saadeh rarely has to use the rings, but is skilled in concealing their use within the flowing sleeves of his robes as he prepares tea.   A former spymaster and assassin for one of the wealthy merchant Houses of Bajapur, el-Saadeh retired after discovering secrets one of the powerful Great Houses was willing to kill to protect. As he expected, the master of his former House was unwise in his attempts to capitalise on the information, and the Great House destroyed the lesser House entirely. By that time el-Saadeh was far away and travelling under a new name, so the Mogul's assassins never caught up to him.   el-Saadeh holds a great many secrets within his carefully hidden and encrypted notebooks, and even more within his head. Although he is not above using some of the secrets he discovers through his Brokerage, he never does so in a way that can be traced back to him, and only rarely in a way that will directly disadvantage a customer and prevent them from providing repeat business. He will usually only directly move against a customer when they have particularly annoyed him or broken one of his rules.    If a customer tries to threaten or extort information from one of his staff or agents, the customer is immediately barred from ever using the Brokerage's services again. If their trespass is particularly egregious, he may offer services or waiving of debts to other customers to act against the violator in his stead; he never appears to act directly, maintaining his appearance as a neutral broker.


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