Gil Plate Item in Sundered Lands | World Anvil

Gil Plate

Gil plates are the basic unit of currency issued by Bajapur to conduct their commerce within the city and across the Sundered Lands. They are made of electrum in a very precise alloy, and only issued by the the Great Tycoon.   Measuring three-quarters of an inch by one-and-a-quarter inches, the corners are clipped off and the sides precisely milled. One side bears the likeness of the Tycoon during whose reign they were issued, and the date, while the other bears the silhouette of the Tycoon's palace. The coins are extraordinarily difficult to counterfeit, and should Bajapur discover any attempt to do so, the full weight of the city's displeasure will descend upon the guilty party.
Item type
Currency & Deeds


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