Stellar codex Hyperlane Restoration
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Hyperlane Restoration

Technological achievement


Authorities of every major and minor power sets about restoring the Hyperlane Networks, largely abandoned after the introduction of Drift Beacons.

Following the 1922 shutdown of Drift Beacons to all but military transport, the Systems Alliance started restoring the long-abandoned Hyperlane Network for civilian use of Warp Drives. The Vesk Imperium and Apexia Regency quickly followed suit, even expanding their ancient networks.
Enterprising megacorps, not afraid to get their hands dirty, soon set about restoring those within the Warring Lashunta States, making sure that weapons sales could once again fuel the fires of civil war.
While the Gor had not previously had access to Hyperlane technology, they, too have rapidly set up a network. How they gained access to the technology so rapidly remains unknown to the general public.
The Techpriestdom of the Progenitors remains unconnected, as does the Realms of Abraxos.

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