Star wars: shards Dark Dreams

Dark Dreams

Life, Milestone


Khun Lakhia, now revealed as Tsu Vorboccioni and elevated to Count, needs to go clean up and restore to activity his family holdings at Torak Fell. Turns out that several Sith disciples installed a temple in his basement while he was gone, and the Galactic Empire set up shop in a city for one of their more psychotic biogeneticists: Dr. Tannis Kelsec.

Yeager Lexics tricked the droidekas aboard the buried Capital Ship into thinking that he was part of their command chain, and that they did not know about an invasion force (of SITH disciples!) two levels above. So instead of fighting the party, the droidekas went after the Sith. Thank the Force! And Yeager!

Related Location
Torak Fell
Related timelines & articles
Tapani Imperium (article)
Shards of Honor (article)