Mustafar System Geographic Location in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil

Mustafar System

Mustafar system is a dual star system located in the Atravis sector. Known for its heavy material mining and processing, it also is home to an unusual number of fortresses and other ruins that belonged to the Sith Order. Some of which date back thousands of years, even before the first Sith Empire.


The Mustofar system primary star is a K9 V orange main sequence star. Three planets orbit that star: two gas giants and the volanic world of Mustafar. The smaller companion star is a red dwarf star.   The influence of the companion star causes a ripple in the system, causing multiple eddy effects in the gravitational flow of the system. This causes occasional trouble with astrogation and hyperspace jumps.   This system is almost unique in that it has the highest number of volcanic planets and moons than any other. Recent research suggests this is a by product of the gravitational eddy phenomenon that permeate the system.
Alternative Name(s)
The Cauldron
Star System
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