Evaz Geographic Location in Star Wars: Shards | World Anvil


The outermost gas giant of the Mustafar System, like its innermost counterpart, is a gas giant planet. But this one lacks an ice ring but does have eighteen moons and a dense cluster of asteroids that follow in the planet's orbital wake.   As the outermost world of the system, it is subject to both effects of the primary star and the red dwarf companion star of the system.


Evaz is a gas giant due to the circumstances of its particular orbit in the gravitational complex Mustafar System. During the formation of this solar system, its theorized that the gravitational pull between the primary star of the Mustafar system and its companion red dwarf, prevented Evaz from shedding excess matter and cooling to a more solid, rocky world.   As a result, this world is a predominantly thick gaseous mix of hydrogen, helium with an ammonia, methane, and water frozen slush surface.   Unusual about this world is that in the hydrogen and helium atmosphere, propelled by constant supersonic speeds of wind, keep aloft ice islands made from methane and pumice from the deep core of the world. These islands are formed when domes comprised of frozen methane, ammonia, water and deep core volcanic rock erupt.   These domes are ejected skyward where the supersonic winds scale away the water, then ammonia layers. The remainder of the domes, now pumice rock mixed with frozen methane are lifted to the mid to upper atmosphere where they are kept aloft by the wind patterns and dense gas mix of the planet's atmosphere. The islands are stable and member groups of the Mining Guild regularly automated mining installations to process either the methane or rare minerals and gemstones found in the pumice.   The gas giant takes 12 standard hours to complete one rotation on its axis. Most of its moons complete a single pass around Evaz in 15 to 30 days, depending on how far a given moon is from the gas giant.   Evaz's orbit is not so standard. Due to the companion star, Evaz has much more eccentric orbit than the other worlds of the system. While the other two planets orbit only the primary star, Evaz actually orbits both the primary star and the red-dwarf companion star of the system. This long trip means Evaz completes a single orbit in 125 standard days.

Natural Resources

The floating islands contain a ready supply of frozen methane along with various gemstones and metals formed in the deep core such as diamonds, magnetized magnetite, and platinum. But all of these require processing as in their fresh mined state they are contaminated in one form or another by both the local pumice rock and frozen methane.
by CB Ash
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