The Rainbow Church of Century Building / Landmark in Star Tiger | World Anvil

The Rainbow Church of Century

The Rainbow Church is the largest building of The Church of Many Colors found anywhere.
It is a massive temple an monastery devoted to the Interstellar Gods housed in the South Ring district of Century.

Purpose / Function

The purpose is to house the local believers and giving them a chance to "live the way humans were meant to".
"An oasis of hope on a planet of sin"


The complex has several buildings connected by and outer wall, to incapsulate the monastery grounds.


The ground used to house yet another skyscraper of a smaller corporation, that got massively unpopular due to some poor ethic decisions, and as the skeletons left their closet, they brought the house down. The corp tanked and while one CEO took his own life in his office, furious mobs were already raiding their buildings.
The building in The Ring was attacked and stood abandoned for a while, before it was decided that the skyscraper could no longer be expected to keep standing, and the city ordered it torn down.
At this time, the ownership of the lot was appropriated by the city and for a while it had gotten lost in the bureaucracy, until the church bought the ground.
Without modern big machinery actual construction on the lot was assumed to take a long time, but the followers are a diligent people, and with outdated physical labor, they cleared the ground and reused what they could and pooling their resources, they managed to build the monastery complex that stands on the ground today.


Tourists do stop by the Church simply because the building stands out so much between the techno-brutalist neon skyscrapers.
There are pilgrimages to the Church as well. It is encouraged for all believers to come by Century and see the God hanging over the planet yourself, and while visiting the planet, living in the impressive monastery while you are there.
Oracle in Color by Doodles Most Foul
Cathedral / Great temple
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
I made this world because my mind keeps rambling, and instead of stopping it, I'm riding the wave.
It started with a picture in my mind of a tiger man in a small spacecraft following a giant tiger in space, in the tone of old saturday morning cartoons and the Heavy Metal animated movie.
Then came the idea of his occational ally, a woman in space flying a small asteroid. The more I wrote on her, the more I got intrigued by the past, I deviced.
Right now the flow is focused on her background - namely all related to The Genesis Project.
I do all of the writing and almost all of the drawing myself at this point.
My hope for Star Tiger is a published story or a graphical novel, but my big dream is an animated show.

Cover image: Star Tiger Logo #1 by Hassel