Sobek Identity Customs Tradition / Ritual in Star Tiger | World Anvil

Sobek Identity Customs

Historically, the Sobek have a certain system by which they categorize themselves - They view the self to be driven by three "souls" present in each body:

Vuhàtu - The head (brain, ways of thinking, morals),
Maràlu - The heart (vitals, upper body, hands, ways of action, vocation) and
Belàssu - The crotch (lust, ways of feeling, impulse, whims)

Any Sobek would have a view of themselves, that they project onto others, defining the nature of these three souls when either is needed.
A Sobek could for example define themselves in regard to his war morals as "Vuhàti Rassatài", meaning "of a gory mind" or "with thoughts of blood", and fellow Sobek would expect him to be focussed on slaughtering without remorse, on the battlefield, up close and personal. However they could also define themselves as Vuhàti Vossùi, meaning "with a predatory mind" or "having a hunter's brain", meaning he'd probably be more patient and either a sniper or a stalker-of-prey.

A Sobek jeweler might define themselves as "Maràli Syviluhassùi", meaning "of a heart for creativity" or "having hands that create".
Maràlu deals especially with one's role in society as well as one's raison d'être - For example, the warrior caste of The Sobek call themselves "Maràli Vossài", meaning "with the heart of the Hunters" or the "life of predators".

Belàssu is often used when seeking a mate, to decribe ones romantic and sexual preferences.
In ancient times many Sobek would describe themselves as "Belàssi Ulappùi", meaning "of a mothering crotch" or "with a lust for nesting", which would mean that you where on the market for sex with the purpose of donating or receiving genes for reproduction, but no strings attached.
Nowadays with the rising curiosity of the monogamic standard of humanity, more Sobek are trying coupling out, defining themselves as "Belàssi Tahùi", meaning "lusting for a partner" or "with a crutch for one companion".


The concept of the three souls is very old. The idea of having defined roles in all aspect of life is at the very core of Sobek culture.
The tendencies and trends of each soul has evolved several times throughout history though.

Components and tools

In modern times, carrying jewelry or having tattoos with symbols for your souls is quite popular.
Sobek Woman Concept Art by Doodles Most Foul
Primary Related Location
Important Locations
Related Ethnicities

Common Examples of Souls:

Vuhàtu - The Soul of The Mind:

Vuhàti Farrùi: Having a mind that wanders, unfocused.
Vuhàti Ulappùi: Having a nuturing nature. Possibly a medic in a war situation.
Vuhàti Tahùi: A fan boy/girl
Vuhàti Yitahùi: A team player
Vuhàti Asaffùi: A slur akin to stupid or idiot

Maràlu - The Soul of The Heart:

Maràli Farrùi: A scout or wanderer by trade
Maràli Ulappùi: Pregnant or A stay-at-home-parent
Maràli Tahùi: A bodyguard by trade or a partner in business
Maràli Yitahùi: A ganger or crewmember
Maràli Asaffùi: A slur akin to low-life/loser

Belàssu - The Soul of Lust:

Belàssi Farrùi: Promiscuous, prefer several lovers with no ties
Belàssi Ulappùi: Seeking one-time sex for reproduction
Belàssi Tahùi: Prefering monogamic relationship
Belàssi Yitahùi: Prefering being in or having a harem or a couple of partners.
Belàssi Asaffùi: Asexual
I made this world because my mind keeps rambling, and instead of stopping it, I'm riding the wave.
It started with a picture in my mind of a tiger man in a small spacecraft following a giant tiger in space, in the tone of old saturday morning cartoons and the Heavy Metal animated movie.
Then came the idea of his occational ally, a woman in space flying a small asteroid. The more I wrote on her, the more I got intrigued by the past, I deviced.
Right now the flow is focused on her background - namely all related to The Genesis Project.
I do all of the writing and almost all of the drawing myself at this point.
My hope for Star Tiger is a published story or a graphical novel, but my big dream is an animated show.

Cover image: Star Tiger Logo #1 by Hassel