Gulop Geographic Location in Sprawn Valley | World Anvil
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Though some claim Gulop to technically be considered as an island, many argue that its larger size and current development dispute the relevance. The Gulop region of Sprawn Valley continues to grow, though it’s well developed areas and capital city still maintain a relatively low amount of net income for the government of the nation. And thus, governmental funding towards many facilities here remains low in response. (Pronunciation: “Gull-op”)



Generally warmer climate than the Junon, Brunus, or Iktal region.


Because the Gulop region is smaller and less developed than the other regions, tourism is quite high near the capital given the curiosity about the place. Leray wielders from other areas on a traveling journey frequent this region because it may have different kinds of magic-related challenges compared to that of Junon.   Many others come directly to Tilsit Beach, because that is the best beach in Sprawn Valley.
Alternative Name(s)
Gulop Region
Location under


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