United Runberi Emirates

The United Runberi Emirates are a confederation of city-states on the Runberi coast, founded over 300 years ago and since expanded to encompass all Runberi polities. Each major Runberi city (Emirate) participates through their office of Emir, which is in most of these city-states an elected position, chosen by a subset of wealthy patricians from among their own ranks. While the Emirates each set their own laws, maintain their own navies and militaries, and mint their own currency, the Emirs regularly enter into treaties with eachother to harmonize various aspects of their respective states. For example, the Confederation Dinar has uniform weight and value throughout the union.   The current members of the United Runberi Emirates are:
  • Ridayda
  • Tamis
  • Al-Hawat
  • Damaqah
  • Qardafa
  • Saasaqib
  • El Arit
  • Mahaqqa
  • Qatijrah
  • Maaloum
  • Qairraz
  • Al-Dhabl
  • Qandal
  • Dabwa
  • Milarat
  • Quneish
  • Zurawah
  • Shalayn
  • Deidad
  • Uqaikh
  • As-Sairhinah
  • Faqairah
  • Hallaba
Each emirate also brings with it other smaller towns, as well as a variety of inland Beirhamin tribes that have sworn fealty to a Runberi emir. Finally, the Runberi Fahrig Island Territory is held in condominium by a group of emirs and other investors.


The confederation consists of the 23 emirs of member states, and does not have its own treasury, army, lands, or any officials. The emirs visit a rotating capital on a loose schedule to agree on common policy. Internally more a discussion forum than anything else, the Runberi still strive to present a unified front to outsiders even if the emirs are generally unwilling to cede their powers to the confederation. The emirs are pledged to aid eachother in matters of common interest, and often a particularly involved emir will take charge of a particular project of the united emirates.


The United Runberi Emirates originated as a defense pact between Ridayda, Tamis, and Al-Hawat, primarily to protect against raiding from the neighboring Sabirid Beirhamin tribe. While such pacts had formed and dissolved before on the Runberi coast, the Three Cities Pact as it was originally known proved more lasting. As the Sabirid threat receded, the alliance grew to become increasingly dominated by Tamis. In response, Ridayda and Al-Hawat invited other cities into the pact.   As the Pact grew to encompass more and more of the Runberi coast and the individual emirs conquered or brought out their non-Runberi neighbors, the Pact increasingly turned its attention outward and grew to dominate trade in the Great Bay. The few Runberi cities that had not yet joined were compelled to, one way or another and the Pact renamed itself as the United Runberi Princedoms, transforming itself into a world power.   The most recent expansion of the confederation was the acquisition of roughly three fourths of the island of Fahrig as a condominium under the rule of the South-Fahrig Trade Company, owned by a group of emirs and other merchants mostly in the western parts of the confederation.


The territories of the Emirates are centered around coastal city-states. Each emirate has a core city that dominates the surrounding smaller settlements, and exercises some control over the inland regions through treaties with the nomads that live there.  
Founding Date
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
United Runberi Princedoms
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Each emirate mints its own local variant of the Confederation Dinar, a silver coin of uniform weight and value throughout the emirates. Treaties between the emirates regulate how much each emirate is allowed to mint, and while coins from different emirates can be differentiated by the designs stamped on them, the emirates take great pains to ensure each dinar is as valuable as the next.
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