Temple of Nuwa

The behemoth that is the Temple of Nuwa can trace its roots roughly 500 years back, when a prophet in the far eastern realm of Voranth started preaching of a divine revelation. He had claimed to have received a sign from one of the many deities the folk revered at the time, and preached that he had heard the word of the one true Goddess and there were none greater. This was considered a quaint but irrelevant movement by the throne until he started preaching that the goddess Nuwa was greater than the emperors. As the Voranthene at the time believed gods did not rule, and as such were lesser than the Emperors, who ruled over all civilization, this was considered a grave insult to majesty. For this, the prophet was burned at the stake.   However, a large group of adherents had gathered around the prophet. With many provincial governors converting alongside large parts of the population, the tide was too much for the throne to turn. Though the following decades were a time of strife, they ended in favor of the Nuwites. The believers formed a temple structure and over time took control of large parts of civil society throughout Voranth. And today, there is no question that the Goddess rules over all, even the Emperors.   Though the Voranthene are insular and inward-looking, missionaries westward have been successful in the past centuries. Converting traders who then spread the faith to their home countries, the Temple of Nuwa has installed it as at least the religion of the elite in places where it has not gained a foothold over the general population. The Runberi were converted some 300 years ago, and themselves work to convert the Beirhamin tribes.   In Nuwan theology, Nuwa is an overdeity, one that rules in life and in death, from the womb to the grave and beyond. There are no gods but Nuwa. Though beyond mortal concerns, she is swayed by devotion, and favors those who spread her word among mortals. The temple preaches evangelism and obedience, and that service to the divine will be rewarded in this life and the next. And though the Temple stresses the need for hierarchy, they believe that the goddess’ word supercedes all mortal commitments. That is, a peasant on a divine mission is greater than the greatest king.   The word of the goddess is written in book colloquially known as “The Short Book ”, for it is a mere 6 pages long. Written in Volen and forbidden to be translated, the book is believed to contain, word for word, the revelation Nuwa delivered to her prophet. However, numerous interpretations and addenda on the true nature of the goddess have since risen.   Though many abbots and abbesses have written down their musings on their faith, the most significant schism is between the Lin and Sun interpretations. According to the Lin interpretation, Nuwa is fundamentally benevolent but opposed by an evil duality that is inherent to godhood, but separate from the goddess as an object of worship. The Sun interpretation contends that mortal notions of morality are meaningless to a goddess.   The Temple trains magicians according to Nuwan tradition and rituals, producing adept healers and necromancers, though raising the dead is sparingly used by the Temple.  
The most common symbol of Nuwa is a flame rising around a pole or a stick. The Temple of Nuwa also provides the most commonly used calendar and method of timekeeping in the world, counting from Martyr’s Day. It is currently the 512th Year of the Prophet (or 512 years since Martyr’s Day).
Founding Date
Religious, Organised Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Notable Members


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