Helacca Demon Species in Spirit of the Age | World Anvil

Helacca Demon

The Helacca Demon is a strange entity that lives in the Borderworld Exodus. Difficult to see at the best of times, under the correct conditions the Helacca resembles a jellyfish made of clouds or vapor. Ranging from about 25 centimeters to over 3 meters in diameter, the strange but harmless creature is farmed by the elves of Exodus for the byproducts of its reproductive cycle.    Congregating around native plantlife and elven gardens, the Exodites use fans and plants to attract them into domed enclosures with a vapor trap at the top. This enables them to collect and distill the smoke that the Helacca emit when they split into new Helacca as they grow too large. This smoke, when inhaled or drunk, will revitalize an elf, hydrating them and acting as a stimulant, making the elf awake and alert. Though requiring a fairly laborious enterprise to harvest, Helacca smoke is used for its portability by rangers and soldiers, and by elven physicians.   Being around Helacca also grants a similar but less potent effect, and observations to this effect were how the Exodites got the idea to farm the creatures for the smoke to begin with.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The Helacca demon is an amorphous, vaporous entity with practically no substance or mass. Nearly invisible to the naked eye, the Helacca may be perceived under bright light. New Helacca sometimes split off from existing ones, generally when the Helacca has existed for a long time (years at least) and grown very large.   The Helacca does not have a recognizable internal structure or organs, and has no predators as eating it would provide no nourishment. Were it not for the effects of its smoke, it might perhaps be mistaken for a slightly viscous cloud.

Ecology and Habitats

The Helacca demon is native to the Dark Zone of the Borderworld Exodus, and does not appear to fare well outside it. The elves have attempted to introduce them to Cymbar, but the Helaccas have in all cases simply vanished or evaporated into the air surrounding them without releasing anything useful. Though its lifecycle and how it sustains itself is poorly understood, the entity seems to be attracted to plant matter, and congregate around the little vegetation that exists in the Dark Zone.
Geographic Distribution


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