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At the end of the War of Broken Wishes, Miska the Free forced the jinn leaders that had supported slavery into the Pact of Three Wishes, which had them grant the humans a great many things, including the city of Suqara, a complete language and other prizes. However, some humans felt that now that they had broken free, they did not want to rely upon things wrought with jinn powers. Instead, they journeyed into the desert to live on their own terms. These people became the Qawramalians.   Living in the desert is tough and the Qawramalians have become a tough people as a result. Their insight into survival in the dunes of Sahran makes them impeccable guides. As a result, they earn much food and water from serving as escorts for trade caravans and adventures. They are also skilled hunters, taking down mighty beasts of the desert to feed their family with a combination of stealth and brutal onslaught.   Internally, Qawramalians are divided in tribes or families, the word having the same meaning to them. They travel in massive caravans between oases, springs and villages, staying for a few cycles before moving on. This is to avoid overtaxing any one place, as a greedy caravan can drain a place so dry, others will suffer. They are also skilled traders, but see little value in things like gold or gemstones other than pure aesthetics, preferring things of more practical value.   However, their relations with others are not always positive. The desert seldom gives second chances and if ressources run low, Qawramalians see nothing wrong with taking what they need. Most try to minimize the suffering they inflict this way, but that may sometimes be little comfort to their victims.   As a people, they value ingenuity, teamwork and endurance, all value that increases their chances to survive. They acknowledge that it is a rare person that is good at all of these things, which is why cooperation is so valuable. Waste is discouraged, as there's few enough ressources in the desert. These beliefs have led to a large amount of Mayan worshippers among the Qawramal.


Major language groups and dialects

Lisanalard: As it is both a language they have inherited from their time as jinn servants and useful for trading with the Rishine, many Qawramalians have learnt this language. QawramalianNative language of the Qawramal. Suqaran: Many Qawramalians learn this language in the interest of trade.

Culture and cultural heritage

The Qawramal live is a harsh land and their culture reflects that. Their stories are preserved on tapestries and preserved skin, sealed away in chests that might endure should the family not. They occasionally raid trade caravans, not for coin, but for food and water, only forcing their targets to give up enough that they can still make it home. But they also couldn't survive without trust and cooperation. If they can, they help strangers in need and open their camps to wanderers. They are not cruel, but they know the desert is merciless and that they must do what they can if they are to survive. Thus, the Qawramalian culture is a mixture of pragmatism and kindness. Religiously, many Qawramalians have taken to worship Maya and believe in wasting as little of anything as possible.

Shared customary codes and values

Teamwork: All members of the caravan must work together, whatever their grievances. Care: All members of the caravan, be they man or beast, are family and must be treated with dignity and respect. Endurance and Ingenuity: Two qualities, both needed to survive.

Common Dress code

Qawramalians dress in robes that protect from all elements. It's design usually aid in ventilating it, increasing comfort during the hottest hours of the day.

Art & Architecture

Weaving and tattooing has a heavy place among the Qawramal, as this is how they preserve their history. Weaver create intricate tapestries to commemorate deeds, while storytellers ink the history of the family into their skin. When they die, their skin is preserved for future generations to witness. As a nomadic people, Qawramalians have little use of permanent structures, but do craft colorful tents which they bring with them.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Enshrining: When a storyteller dies, they are ritualistically flayed and their inked skin preserved. Once it has been treated, it is carefully added to a chest containing the stories of the tribe.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Aside from the preserved skins of their storytellers, the Qawramalians believe that the dead must return to the desert. Dead animals are eaten as part of their funerary rites, while humans are left behind to be nourishment for scavengers, continuing the cycle of life in the dunes.

Common Taboos

Waste. Heavily influenced by a combination of widespread Mayan faith and their scarce ressources, unnecessary waste is viewed as the height of foolishness.


Courtship Ideals

Courtship ideally between tribes, as it helps foster bonds and reduce risks of inbreeding. Courtships usually takes place while both tribes are resting at an oasis and involves the two spending time together, the idea being to see if they can live with each other for extended periods of time. If they have yet to decide upon rest's end, they must wait for their respective tribes to meet again to resume, if they so desire.

Relationship Ideals

A qawramalian relationship is one of constant cooperation and support, as anything less could cost the tribe their lives. If people cannot get along, better they split up. People in a relationship must also make the hard decision of which tribe to travel with.
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