Special agent Continuation War

Continuation War

Military: War


Having just begun to form agrarian kingdoms centered around the cultivation of algae under the waters of their native planet. It was attacked by qravadox forces in 2255 which quickly subdued the planet to their will even if they didn't occupy the planet as such. After more than sixteen years of qravadox domination, workers in orbit will unite to rise up and expel the qravadox present. Taking advantage that the qravadox was occupied by a war with another unknown alien species. They quickly took the shipyards of their home planet which had been turned into a production center by the qravadox using. Subsequently, they will also reach the oceans of their native planet and their leader will rally the different major kingdoms to create a provisional government capable of resisting any attempt at qravadox retaliation. Their successes can be partly explained by the secret support of the Myrrans Trade Union which aimed to weaken by all possible means the Qravadox Directorate rise to power. The uriys ends up containing the qravadox forces at the borders of their native system, which made it possible to cut the qravadox supply lines by isolating the territories south of their home planet. However, not having the military capacity to take all these territories, they were content to entrench themselves in their system of origin during the first year of the war. The Myrran Trade Union jumped at the opportunity to destabilize their sworn enemy. Theses had never forgiven for the humiliating defeat they suffered in the Territorial War and did everything to intervene militarily. The Zelvan Council decided to support the Myrran Trade Union deeming the struggle of the uriys honorable and that they were unfairly attacked by the Qravadox Directorate. In fact, the Zelvan Council took this opportunity to show its military prestige and gain influence within the galaxy. After several major battles that took place in the Subtrianus, Kanadrius, Alcor, Courus and Iflillion systems, the Qravadox Directorate surrendered. This one wanting to avoid a total disaster by losing all these forces and thus redirecting the remaining forces towards the front where his other war was taking place. The peace talks lead to a defeat of the Qravadox Directorate which loses a significant portion of these territories in the north to the new state, the Free Uriy Commonwealth. This is a new independent state ruled by the uriys whose capital is Ungus, the home world of the uriys. This new state will quickly undergo internal dicension between the uriys and the qravadoxs present on the planets conquered by the Myrran Trade Union and the Zelvan Council. These tensions will lead to a terrible civil war which will tear this new state apart two years later. In the long term, the war resulted in a loss of influence from the Qravadox Directorate in the region to the profile of the Zelvan Council and the Myrran Trade Union to a lesser extent. The Qravadox Directorate althought recovered from its defeat in a hundred years by rebuilding its fleet. The conflict still however discouraged this one from rubbing shoulders with the Alliance again as long as it did not have sufficient military power or new allies so that it recognized the Free Uriy Commonwealth after the civil war even if relations between both entities are disastrous. The war also encouraged the Qravadox Directorate to move closer to the Kingdom of the Houses of Youndarim which combined with the signing of the military cooperation treaty between the two entities two decades later. Finally, the effectiveness of the military forces of the Zelvan Council and his leadership in the coalition made him gain much influence within the Alliance of Alpha Quadrant which started to worry the Federal Republic.

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